英語で Room Services - ルームサービス - TOP

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「Room Services - ルームサービス」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ room service ルームサービス
ex) Room service is the epitome of hotel luxury.
ルームサービスは ホテルでの贅沢の典型である
room service: a service provided in a hotel allowing guests to order food and drink to be brought to their rooms
ex) Although room service is typically thought of as an early-morning treat, breakfast foods only represent six of the 13 total items.

□ room service server ルームサービスを運ぶ人 = in-room dining server
ex) Our room service servers promptly deliver food and beverage items to your guest room.
ルームサービススタッフは 食べ物や飲み物を客室に 素早く届けます
server: one that serves food or drink.
ex) Room service servers need to provide guests with courteous, friendly, and efficient service.

□ place an order 注文をする
ex) Guests can place an order for room service on the phone by dialing 10.
宿泊者は内線10番をかけて ルームサービスを注文することができます
place an order: to request, to buy, to purchase (in a commercial context)
ex) you can place an order even at odd hours.

call in an order (ルームサービスなど)電話で注文する
ex) I want to ask a few questions when calling in the order.
電話で注文する前に いくつか質問をしたい

call in: enlist someone's aid or services
ex) Call in your order ahead of time and skip the in-shop wait.

□ door knob menu (朝食など)ドアのノブにかけられたメニュー
ex) Order breakfast room service with doorknob menu cards.
朝食のルームサービスは ドアノブにある メニューカードを使って注文してください
door knob menu: a type of room service menu that a housekeeper can leave in the guest room
ex) A door knob menu lists a limited number of breakfast items and times of the day that the meal can be served.

□ pantry (ホテルの)配膳室
ex) Most modern hotels have a single central pantry for the room service department located conveniently near the kitchen.
近代的なホテルでは ルームサービスのための 中央配膳室が キッチンの近くにある
pantry: a room (as in a hotel or hospital) for preparation of foods on order
ex) This pantry should be fully equipped for quick and efficient service to the rooms.

□ cart カートで運ぶ
ex) We cart your meals to your room shortly.
あなたの客室に 料理をすぐにカートで運びます
cart: to carry or move (something) in a cart
ex) Not all foods are created equal when they must be packed and carted up several stories and down a long corridor to arrive at a hotel room.

□ trolley (料理を運ぶための)手押し車
ex) The hotel’s room service trolleys are equipped with plate warmers.
ルームサービス用の手押し車には プレートウオーマーが設置されている
trolley: a small table on wheels which is used for serving drinks or food
ex) Servers must be able to push a room service trolley laden with several room service orders.

□ settle account 勘定を精算する
ex) How would you like to settle your account? I'd like to settle in cash.
勘定の精算はどのようにしますか? 現金決済にします
account settlement: the payment of an outstanding balance that brings the account balance to zero
ex) Let me present the account for signature.

□ charge it to one's room account (ホテルでの飲食費などを)部屋につける
ex) You can charge purchases and meals to your room.
購入品や 食事代を 部屋につけることができます
charge: : to create a record of an amount of money that is owed
ex) This fee has never been charged to your room.



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