英語で 桜・花見・歓迎会 - TOP

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「Cherry Blossom Viewing - 桜・花見・歓迎会」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ cherry blossom tree 桜の木
ex) The cherry blossom trees all over Japan come in to bloom for between seven and 10 days.
7日~10日の間、日本全土で 桜の花が満開となる
blossom: a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a tree or bush
ex) Flowering cherry trees are ornamental trees; they do not produce fruit.

□ cherry blossom viewing お花見
ex) Every April the Japanese hold parties to view cherry blossoms.
viewing: an opportunity to see something, especially a work of art
ex) Check out where to view the cherry blossoms in DC.

□ welcoming party 歓迎会
ex) In April, Schools and offices hold welcoming parties under hte cherry blosssom trees.
4月に 学校や会社は桜の木の下で 歓迎会を開く
welcoming party: a party (group of people) whose purpose is to welcome some other person
ex) As many college/university will start a new semester in April, many welcome parties take place.

□ herald 歓迎・歓待する、... の到来を告げる
ex) Hanami is the year's most heralded event.
お花見は 1年で 最も歓迎されるイベントだ
hearld: to greet (someone or something) with enthusiasm
ex) The early flowers are heralds of spring.

□ petal 花弁、花びら
ex) Cherry blossom petals are approximately 2-inch in size.
桜の花びらは 約2インチの大きさである
petal: each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically colored
ex) A cluster of petals are falling from the cherry tree.

□ in bloom (樹木の花が)咲いている
ex) The cherry blossoms in are in full bloom.
in bloom: to be producing flowers
ex) The full beauty of the blooming process from bud-to- peak bloom.

□ flowering 開花、開花期
ex) The flowering time of cherry trees is thought to be affected by global warming.
桜の開花時期は 気候温暖化の影響を受けていると考えられている
flowering: (of a plant) in bloom
ex) There are hundreds of species, varieties, and hybrids of flowering cherry trees.

full-bloom forecast (桜の)開花予想
ex) The Japan Meteorological Agency issues a full-bloom forecast.

forecast: to calculate or predict
ex) The forecast is based on the bloom timeline of the official observation trees.
公式な桜の木の観察による 予定表を基づいて 開花時期は予想される

□ falling cherry blossom 散る桜の花びら
ex) Cherry blossom petals are falling on the ground.
桜の花びらが 地面に落ちる
falling: moving from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control
ex) At this time, people take a moment to appreciate the brevity of spring and its beauty, with the blooming and falling of cherry blossom.



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