英語で 初歩・基礎的な - TOP

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「Rudimentary - 初歩・基礎的な」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

basic 基本の、基礎の
ex) In this class, you will learn the basic principles of chemistry.

basic: forming or relating to the most important part of something
ex) We're learning basic [=beginning] English.
私たちは 英語の基礎を学んでいる

base 基礎 ... を基礎とする、.... に土台を置く
ex) The interest rate is based on credit history.
利子は クレジットカードの履歴を基本に 計算されている

base: to form, make, or develop (something, such as an opinion, decision, or calculation) by using (something, such as information) as a basis, starting point, etc.
ex) The story is based on real-life events.
その物語は 実際の出来事にも続いている

predicate (議論などに)基礎を置く
ex) His theory is predicated on faulty assumptions.
彼の理論は 誤った仮説の上に 基礎を置いている

predicate: to base (something) on or upon something else
ex) The sales forecast is predicated on the assumption that the economy will grow by four percent.
その売上予測は 経済が4% 成長するという仮説に基づいている

□ beginning (学習など)初歩の、入門の
ex) We use only beginning-level English grammar.
入門レベルの英文法のみを 使用します
beginning: : involving or learning about the simple or basic parts of a subject
ex) This is the beginning marketing course that you've been waiting for.

□ introductory (学習など)初歩の、入門の
ex) Use this handy introductory words list to improve your vocabulary.
この役に立つ 初級の単語リストを使って、語彙を増やそう
introductory: of, relating to, or being a first step that sets something going or in proper perspective
ex) Introductory Math provides learners with an opportunity to review and study foundational topics for higher-level mathematics.

□ elementary 初歩の、初等の
ex) The elementary level test is conducted online and consists of multiple-choice questions.
初級レベルのテストは オンラインで行われ、内容は取捨選択式の質問から成る
elementary: involving the simplest parts of a subject
ex) He has an elementary understanding of calculus.

□ novice 新人、初心者
ex) This tennis class caters toward the novice player or player with very little experience.
このテニスクラスは 初心者や 経験の少ない人に役立つものである
novice: a person who has just started learning or doing something
ex) He's a novice in cooking.

□ inexperienced 経験不足の、経験の浅い
ex) She's an inexperienced driver.
inexperienced: having little knowledge or experience of a particular thing
ex) An inexperienced employee is more likely to make mistakes.

□ entry-level 入門者用の、初心者レベルの
ex) This is the best entry-level guitar.
初心者用のギターとして これはとても良い
entry-level: of or being at the lowest level of a hierarchy
ex) Do entry-level jobs require experience and education?

□ abecedarian (abcを習うような)初心者、入門者
ex) As a writer, I'm anabecedarian.
書き手として 私は初心者です
abecedarian: a beginner in any field of learning
ex) We decided to organize the files in an abecedarian manner so we could find what we were looking for by name more easily.

□ rudimentary 初歩の、初級の
He speaks rudimentary English.
彼は 初歩的でシンプルな英語を話す
rudimentary: basic or simple
ex) This class requires a rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy.



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