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「Infinity Pool - プール・遊泳施設」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ swimming pool (水泳用)プール
ex) Hotel swimming pools remain one of the key attractions for all types of resorts.
ホテルのプールは リゾートホテルの重要な集客施設である
swimming pool: an artificial pool for swimming in
ex) The hotel has a four-lane lap swimming pool.
そのホテルは 4レーンのプールを備えている

□ rooftop pool 屋上のプール
ex) The rooftop pool offers privileged views and luxurious, exclusive experiences for guests.
その屋上プールは 宿泊者に 素晴らしい景色と、贅沢な経験を提供する
rooftop: the top of a (usually flat) roof
ex) The 360-degree rooftop pool will be located on top of a new five-star hotel.
新規開業するホテルには 視界が360度に渡って広がる 屋上プールが設置される

□ Infinity pool (= zero edge pool) インフィニティ・プール
ex) Infinity pools are a big trend in hotel amenities today and a distinctive attraction.
インフィニティプールは ホテル業界でも流行中であり、注目を集める施設である
infinity pool: a swimming pool in which the top of the water is at the same level as the edges surrounding the pool, and seems, to someone in the pool, to stretch to the horizon
ex) You'll absolutely be making a good first impression with an eye-catching infinity pool design.

sunshade (umbrella) (プール用の)パラソル
ex) I was napping under the sunshade umbrella.

sunshade: something (as a parasol) used to protect from the sun's rays
ex) These sunshade umbrellas are placed within the center of a pool.
それらのパラソルは プール施設の中央に配されている

sunlounger 屋外用の軽量折り畳み式ベッド
ex) This UV-resistant sun lounger is perfect for poolside or beach.
この 紫外線防止型の折り畳み式ベッドは プールサイドや ビーチに最適です

sunlounger: : a long chair that is used for sitting or lying outdoors
ex) I'm lying on my sun lounger in Bali.
私は 今 バリ島で プール用ベンチに寝そべっています

□ wave pool 波のプール
ex) Immerse yourself at our remarkable wave pool.
wave pool: a large swimming pool equipped with a machine for producing waves
ex) The resort contains a pool area with 3 heated pools, a wave pool and a lazy river.

□ water slide ウォーター・スライド、プールに設置された滑り台
ex) Pool slides are a great way to add some serious fun to your swimming pool.
ウォーター・スライドをプールに設置すれば 楽しみが増します
water slide: a slide into a swimming pool, typically flowing with water and incorporating a number of twists and turns
ex) Waterslides bring fun and excitement to any commercial pool facilities.

□ whirlpool (噴流によるマッサージ効果がある)ジャグジープール、流水プール
ex) This suite is equipped with a private whirlpools with a flat screen TV.
このスィートルームには ジャグジープールとフラット画面のテレビが設置されている
whirlpool: a small area of the sea or other water in which there is a powerful, circular current of water that can pull objects down into its center
ex) This eight-story building holds the largest hotel rooms in the area: 132 rooms including 10 whirlpool suites.

□ therapeutic pool 治療用プール
ex) Packed with minerals, the water enters the therapeutic pool at a steamy 104 degrees.
ミネラル分豊富な 治療用プールのには 華氏104度の水が入ります
therapeutic pool: a pool used for physical therapy including but not limited to post-operative and pre-operative strength training, assistance of buoyancy of water, and other one-on-one training
ex) Therapeutic pools are about more than just relaxing, they include many health benefits such as decreased pain and increased range of motion.

□ swimming competition 水泳大会
ex) Competition swimming pools and diving pools are availavle at the hotel.
競技用水泳プールと ダイビング用のプールが ホテルで利用できます
swimming competition pool: a type of swimming pool is used in the Olympic Games, where the race course is 50 metres in length.
ex) There are two distances for competitive swimming pools; short course and long course.

□ aquatic (スポーツ)水中の、水上の
ex) This unique aquatic facility has been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people.
このユニークな ウオーターレジャー設備は 多くの人によって楽しまれています
aquatic: relating to water
ex) Aquatic facilities have become standard features in hotels.



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