英語で 株価・株式の発行 - TOP

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「Issued Share - 株価・株式の発行」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

stock 株、株式
ex) Value of his stocks has soared.

stock: a share of the value of a company which can be bought, sold, or traded as an investment
ex) Most of her money is invested in stocks.
彼女は所持金の大半を 株式市場に投資した

issue stock 株式を発行する
ex) Determine how much stock the corporation is authorized to issue.

issue: supply or distribute
ex) Issuing stock means giving up a piece of your ownership in the business (also known as diluting your ownership).
株式を発行するということは 会社の所有権の一部を譲渡することである

equity 株主資本(会社の資産から負債を差し引いた残り)
ex) A company's total assets are equal to the sum of its liabilities and its shareholders' equity.
会社の総資産は 負債と 株主資本の合計である

equity: a share in a company : a share of a company's stock
ex) Half of his money is invested in bonds and the other half in equities.

彼の資金の半分は債券に、そしてもう半分は 株主資本として 投資される

□ share (売買単位としての)株、株式
ex) Acquiring shares in a company is inevitably accompanied by a degree of risk.
会社の株を取得することには、一定の危険が 必ず伴う
share: any of the equal parts into which the ownership of a property or business is divided
ex) contact the company to obtain permission to sell your shares.

□ shareholder 株主
ex) A single shareholder who owns and controls more than 50% of a company's outstanding shares is called a majority shareholder.
企業の株式の 50% 以上を保有する 株主は 主要株主と呼ばれる
shareholder: a person or institution that has invested money in a corporation in exchange for a share of the ownership
ex) In a sale of shares, the shareholders get the sales price themselves.

□ issued share 発行済み株式
ex) Issued shares can be contrasted with unissued ones, which have been authorized for future offerings but have not yet been issued.
発行済み株式は、将来に発行が認可されている 未発行株とは対照的である
issued share: those shares which the board of directors and/or shareholders have agreed to issue, and which have been issued
ex) Issued shares are a company's equity shares, held by investors and insiders and put in reserve for employee compensation.

□ stock market 株式市場、証券取引所
ex) After the IPO(initial public offering), stockholders can resell shares on the stock market.
stock market: a place where shares of pubic listed companies are traded.
ex) The stock market consists of exchanges in which stock shares and other financial securities of publicly held companies are bought and sold.

□ stock exchange 証券取引(所)
ex) The regular schedule for the New York Stock Exchange is Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ニューヨーク証券取引所の 営業時間は 月曜から金曜の 09:30 ~ 16:00 までである
stock exchange: a centralised location where the shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold
ex) Stock Exchange market is a vital component of a stock market.

□ security 証書、株券
ex) Equity securities include stocks.
持分証券には 株も含まれます
security: : a document showing that someone owns or has invested in a company, organization, etc.
ex) Equity securities usually generate regular earnings for shareholders in the form of dividends.

□ listed (証券が株式市場に)上場された
ex) Companies can choose to list their securities for trading on a national securities exchange.
企業は 国内の証券取引で株式を売買するために 上場を選択することができる
listed company: meaning that it's making shares available to trade
ex) As of the end of 2023, around 3.9 thousand companies were listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in Japan.

□ stakeholder 出資者
ex) Shareholders are focused on financial returns, while stakeholders are interested in broader performance success.
stakeholder: a person, group or organization with a vested interest, or stake, in the decision-making and activities of a business
ex) What are the most effective ways to handle pushback from stakeholders who don't see the value of a project?

□ voting rights (株式)議決権
ex) Stockholder voting rights are given to shareholders of record in a company.
議決権は 企業の株主名簿上の株主に与えられる
voting right: the right of a shareholder of a corporation to vote on matters of corporate policy
ex) Common shareholders are granted six rights: voting power, the right to transfer ownership and so on.



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