英語で 壊れる・故障 - TOP

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「Haywire - 壊れる・故障」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ run-down 壊れかけた、ぼろぼろの
ex) There is an old run down house in the middle of a field with overgrown grass.
生い茂る雑草に囲まれた 壊れかけた家が 野原の真ん中 にある
rundown: being in poor repair
  ex) I decided to throw away the run-down watch.

□ dilapidated 荒れ果てた、壊れかけた
ex) The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.
私たちが泊まったホテルは ぼろぼろであった
dilapidated: (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
ex) He drives a dilapidated old car.

□ broken   壊れた
ex) He had a broken arm.
broken: having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order
ex) If your camera is broken within warranty period, we will be responsible for the repair process.
もし 保証書の期間以内に カメラが壊れた場合、当社が修理作業を負担します

□ damaged 壊れた、故障した
ex) The car was badly damaged in the accident.
その車は 事故でかなり損傷した
damaged: products that are broken, cracked, scratched, etc.
ex) Wrap your dishes in newspaper and place them neatly in a box so they aren't damaged during a move.

haywire 正常に作動しない、めちゃくちゃな
ex) The old radio went haywire.

haywire: not working properly
ex) The disease has caused her immune system to go haywire.
その病気は 彼女の免疫機能の異常を引き起こした
= to stop working properly

□ out of order (公共物)故障中して、不調で
ex) The elevator's out of order again.
out of order : not able to be used
ex) This coffee machine is out of order so don't put any coins in it.

□ foul-up (機械などの)故障、不調
ex) A computer system foul-up left bank customers with muddled statements.
foul-up: : a mechanical difficulty
ex) A computer software glitch fouled up their presentation.

□ malfunction 故障、不具合
ex) Shortly before the crash the pilot had reported a malfunction of the aircraft's navigation system.
墜落の直前に パイロットは機体の操縦システムの不具合を報告していた
malfunction: (of a piece of equipment or machinery) fail to function normally or satisfactorily
ex) She suffers wardrobe malfunction before accepting Oscar.

□ glitch (機械の)問題、故障、誤作動
ex) A technical glitch caused a temporary shutdown.
技術的な問題が 一時的な閉鎖を引き起こした
glitch: a problem or malfunction, usually a temporary one, in a system or machine.
ex) Your science fair team might experience a major glitch in your plans if you lose your data tables as the result of a computer glitch.



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