英語で 悪意・悪口を言う - TOP

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「Animostity - 悪意・悪口を言う」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

vile 卑劣な、とても不快な、悪意ある
ex) His comments were positively vile.

vile: evil or immoral
ex) This vile policy of ethnic cleansing must be stopped.
民族浄化に関する その卑劣な 方針を 止めなければならない

 harbor (悪意、考え、計画を)抱く
ex) They may harbor hostile thoughts toward us.

harbor: keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
ex) He started to harbor doubts about the wisdom of their journey.
彼は 自分たちの知の探究について 疑問を抱き始めた

□ animosity 敵意、悪意
ex) There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.
2国間の間には 長い歴史に渡る 敵意がある
animostiy: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred
ex) It has increased already high animosity between the North Korea and US.

□ ill will 敵意、嫌悪、恨み
ex) I bear him no ill will.
ill will: be mad at someone because of something they have done
ex) We may have once been competitors, but there's no ill will between us.

□ call ... names    …に対し悪口を言う (idiot, fool etc.)
ex) People would make fun of me and call me names.
call names: Verbally abuse someone
ex) At school, bullying takes many forms, including whispering about people and calling them names.

□ badmouth … 悪口を言う
ex) No one wants to hire an individual who bad-mouths a prior employer.
前職の悪口を言う 人材を雇用したいと思う人はいない
badmouth: criticize (someone or something); speak disloyally of
ex) You'll never hear him badmouthing an opponent.

□ speak badly about …    …の悪口を言う
ex) He is unusual in that he refuses to speak badly the other candidates.
他の候補者たちの悪口を言うことを拒むという点で、彼は 変わっている
speak badly: to say unkind things about someone
ex) I don't like speaking badly about my colleagues, but there are a lot of incompetent people working here. 


□ feed the gossip mill   陰口を言う
ex) Try staying out of the office gossip mill.
社内での陰口の言い合いには 関わらないようにして
gossip mill: a source of unofficial and unreliable information
ex) Recently the rumour mill went into overdrive with suggestions that the couple might split.

□ slander    悪口を言う、非難する n) 名誉毀損 = libel
ex) She was accused of slandering her former boss.
彼女は以前の上司の悪口を言ったとして、 非難された
slander: to make a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
ex) Workplace sociopaths could be peers who openly slander you or gang up to intimidate or isolate you.

□ belittle けなす、軽視する
ex) The critic belittled the author's work.
批評家は その著者の作品をけなした
belittle: to describe (someone or something) as little or unimportant
ex) Her detractors are in the habit of belittling her accomplishments.



犯人・容疑者 割合・比率 ばかな・間抜けな フィッシュアンドチップス コンドミニアム 偏見・偏り