英語で コンドミニアム・貸別荘 - TOP

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「Vacation Rental - コンドミニアム・貸別荘」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ condominium コンドミニアム
ex) Condos are typically the smallest and most popular types of vacation rentals.
コンドミニアムは 貸別荘の中で 最も小さく、人気のある宿泊施設だ
condominium: an individually owned residential unit in a complex or building of like units
ex) Our condo is the top unit with a large deck and a picnic table.

□ vacation rental 貸別荘
ex) Common types of vacation rentals are condos, homes, townhomes, and villas.
vacation rental: the renting out of a furnished apartment, house, or professionally managed resort-condominium complex on a temporary basis to tourists as an alternative to a hotel
ex) We have a wide selection of vacation rental homes and condos.

□ rent 賃借、賃貸する
ex) You’ll find that there are a number of benefits to renting a condo for your next vacation.
次の休暇で コンドミニアムを借りることに 多くの利点があることに気付くでしょう
rent: : to pay money in return for being able to use (something that belongs to someone else)
ex) Renting in a NYC condo is generally a way to get a nicer apartment with higher-end finishes and appliances.

□ rent out 貸し出す
ex) Condos may be rented out by the owner as a travel accommodation.
コンドミニアムは旅行用宿泊施設として 持ち主によって貸し出されることがある
rent out: grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee
ex) We rent out our condo to tourists every year.
私たちは 毎年旅行者たちにコンドミニアムを貸し出している

□ self-contained     各戸独立式の
ex) Condos are self-contained units with a kitchen, living space, bedrooms.
コンドミニアムは 台所、居間、寝室を備える 各戸独立式のユニットである
self-contained: complete, or having all that is needed, in itself
ex) The condo is a self-contained studio with private balcony.

□ kitchenette ミニキッチン
ex) The condo features a well-equipped kitchenette with a refrigerator, a stovetop, and a microwave.
そのコンドミニアムは 十分に装備されたミニキッチンや 冷蔵庫、料理用レンジや電子レンジを備えている
kitchenette: a smaller version of a kitchen, typically found in a studio apartment
ex) This condo offers a kitchenette stocked with pots and pans and the things you’ll need to make a full gourmet meal.

□ furnishings   備え付け家具
ex) We stayed in a comfy condo with light wood furnishings.
私たちは 明るい木目調の家具が置かれた 快適なホテルに滞在した
furnishing: furniture, fittings, and other decorative accessories, such as curtains and carpets, for a house or room
ex) Condos can range from basic and essential to upscale and luxurious, though most include features like kitchens, laundry facilities, security, and furnishings.

communal... 共有の
ex) At sites condo guests will find things like a communal pool nad BBQ facilities.
コンドミニアムの宿泊者は 敷地内で 共同プールや バーベキュー施設があることに気付くであろう

communal: : participated in, shared, or used in common by members of a group or community
ex) Communal BBQ grills are perfect for whipping up a little dinner in the hot weather.
共同で使えるバーベキューグリルセットは 暑い日の軽めの夕食を さっと作るのに最適である

□ extended period of time  長期間、長時間、延長時間
ex) What is it like to stay in a condo for an extended period of time?
コンドミニアムに長期間滞在するのは どんな感じですか?
extended period of time: longer than expected or simply long enough to be noticed
ex) If you stay for a more extended period, a condo gives you more room for groceries allowing you to make dinner rather than eating at a restaurant.

□ multiple families複数世帯
ex) You could also save money on a condo rental because it’s cheaper than renting a hotel room when vacationing with multiple families.
multiple: having or involving several parts, elements, or members
ex) Our condo is perfect for multiple generations or multiple families who want to stay very close together.



構成する・構成要因 疑う・疑惑 犯人・容疑者 割合・比率 ばかな・間抜けな フィッシュアンドチップス