MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週50ずつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。 言えそうで 言えない英語表現、学校の英語教科書には登場しない英会話フレーズが中心です。 コツコツ型の方に、お勧めの英語学習法 - 例文数も 5,000件を超えました!
「Half-witted - ばかな・間抜けな・愚かな」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ Come off it. ばかな事を言うな
come off: stop acting or speaking foolishly or pretentiously
ex) Ask him to cook the meal? Come off it, he can hardly boil an egg!
■ preposterous 非常識な、ばかげた
ex) The very idea is preposterous!
そのアイデアだけでも ばかげている
preposterous: completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; utterly foolish;
ex) These claims are absolutely preposterous!
それらの主張は 明らかに ばかげている
■ retard ばか、知的発達に問題のある人
ex) The word "retard" implies that person is of no value.
"Retard" という単語は その人に価値がないことを ほのめかすものだ
retard: a person who has slow mental development
ex) Who says retard jokes aren't funny?
面白くない ばかげた冗談を言うのは 誰だ?
□ half-witted 間抜けな
ex) He made a half-witted remark.
彼は ばかげた発言をした
half-witted: foolish or stupid
ex) These girls were a little queer, to be sure, almost half-witted.
□ silly 愚かな、ばかげた
ex) What a silly idea!
何と ばかげたアイデアなんだ!
silly: having or showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment : foolish or stupid
ex) I hope I didn't make any silly mistakes.
□ ludicrous ばかげた、滑稽な
ex) It's ludicrous that I have been fined.
僕に罰金を科すなんて 何てばかげたことだろう
ludicrous: so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.
ex) It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion.
□ idiotic ばかばかしい
ex) I was able to hum its idiotic theme tune.
idiotic: viry silly
ex) It was silly of you to go out in the sun without a hat.
□ foolish 愚かな、ばかげた
ex) She's been taking foolish risks.
foolish: having or showing a lack of good sense or judgment : stupid, silly
ex) He was wearing a foolish grin.
□ ridiculous ばかげた、滑稽な
ex) Don't be ridiculous!
ridiculous: extremely silly or unreasonable
ex) She looks ridiculous in that outfit.
□ absurd ばかばかしい、不条理な
ex) That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
その制服は 警備員たちを間抜けに見せた
absurd: : extremely silly, foolish, or unreasonable : completely ridiculous
ex) It is absurd for the state to waste billions of dollars hunting down drunk-drivers.
□ absurdity ばかばかしいこと、不条理
ex) He laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
状況のばかばかしさに 彼は笑ってしまった
absudity: the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable
ex) The novel deals with the absurdity of our modern day media.
□ dummy ばか、のろま、間抜け
ex) Taxpayers are not dummies, and they are going to know how politicians are trying to fool them.
納税者たちは間抜けではなく、政治家たちが 騙そうとしていることを知っている
dummy: a stupid or silly person
ex) He's no dummy. [=fool]
□ doltish ばかな、間抜けな
ex) What a dolt I've been!
自分は何て 馬鹿だったのだろう!
doltish: a stupid person
ex) Most of what has been posted on this thread is embarrassingly simple-minded, doltish stuff.