英語で 割合・比率 - TOP

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「Rate - Ratio - 割合・比率」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ rate ... 率
ex) Economists are concerned about the city's rising unemployment rate.
経済専門家は 高まる失業率に対し 懸念している
rate: the number of times something happens or is done during a particular period of time
ex) Crime rates have declined in recent years.

□ at a rate of... ,,, の割合で
ex) Humanity as a whole is consuming the world's natural resources at a rate 50 percent faster than the earth can replenish them.
人類は 世界の資源を、地球が自然補給する 1.5倍の割合で消費している
rate: a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against some other quantity or measure
ex) A colony of bacteria is growing at a rate of 50% per hour.

ratio 対比、割合
ex) The college has a 12:1 ratio between students and teachers. = The college's student-to-teacher ratio is 12 to 1.
その大学の 生徒と先生の比率は 12対1である
=for every 12 students, there is one teacher

raito: the relationship that exists between the size, number, or amount of two things and that is often represented by two numbers
ex) What is the length-to-width ratio?
長さと 幅の割合は いくつですか?

□ percentage 割合、百分率
ex) The percentages of women completing high school and college were 95 percent and 52 percent, respectively.
女性の高校卒業率と 大学卒業率は、それぞれ 95% と 52% である
percentage: a number or rate that is expressed as a certain number of parts of something divided into 100 parts
ex) If a goalie saves 96 out of 100 shots, his save percentage is 96 percent.

□ proportion (... に対する)割合、比率
ex) The total class size is 100, and the proportion of men is 20/100 or 20%.
クラスに100人の生徒がいて、男性の割合は 20% である
proportion: a mathematical comparison between two numbers
ex) Proportion is explained majorly based on ratio and fractions.

□ one out of every two    2つに1つの割合いで
ex) One out of every two people in the world will develop a mental health disorder in their lifetime.
2人1人の割合で 人は生涯に 心の病を発病する
out of: indicating the source or derivation of something; from
ex) One out of every five falls causes an injury, such as broken bones or a head injury.

□ ... for every .. 1つの.. に対して ... の割合で
ex) There are four women for every man.
男性一人に対して 女性が4人の割合でいる
every: including each person or thing in a group or series
ex) If there are 2 boys for every 3 girls in a class, then we can say that there are 3 girls in every 5 students in that class.

□ It's a long shot. 確率は低い
ex) That seemed like a long shot for us.
long shot: unlikely to succeed, but is worth trying
ex) It's a long shot, but you could try phoning him at home.

 be at even odds     (掛け率)五分五分だ
ex) The bookmakers are offering even odds.

even odds: an opportunity in which the chance of success is equal to that of failure
ex) The odds are even.


シャンプー・石鹸 寛容・寛大 占める・独占 構成する・構成要因 疑う・疑惑 犯人・容疑者
