英語で 犯人・容疑者 - TOP

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「Culprit - 犯人・容疑者」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ arrestee   逮捕者
ex) The officer must tell the arrestee that he has the right to remain silent.
警察官は 逮捕者に黙秘権があることを 告げなければならない
arestee: a person who is under arrest
ex) Arrestee means any person in custody, who has been detained or who is subject to detention in custody whose release may lawfully be affected by bail.

□ culprit 犯人
ex) The police eventually located the culprits.
警察は遂に 犯人の居場所を突き止めた
culprit: a person who has committed a crime or done something wrong
ex) The culprit expressed remorse at his sentencing.

perpetrator 犯人
ex) The perpetrators can be individuals, groups, or organizations.
犯人は 個人、グループ、組織の可能性がありうる

perpetrator: a person who perpetrates, or commits, an illegal, criminal, or evil act
ex) The perpetrators of this heinous crime must be found and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
この悪質な犯罪を犯した 犯人たちは 法に基づく十分な処罰を受けるべきである

heinous  悪質な、(犯罪など) 凶悪な
ex) This is a heinous crime and they should get the most severe punishment.
これは 凶悪な犯罪であり、もっとも重大な処罰を受けるべきである

heinous: (especially a crime): utterly odious or wicked
ex) They're afraid this heinous crime will go unpunished if he is found to be insane.
もし 彼に精神的な障害があるのなら、この凶悪犯罪は 裁かれることがないのではないかと 彼らは心配した

□ perpetrate  (犯罪を)犯す、実行する
ex) The attack was perpetrated by a street gang.
その襲撃は 街のギャングたちによって実行された
perpetrate: to do (something that is illegal or wrong)
ex) The men were planning to perpetrate a robbery.

□ suspect 容疑者
ex) The Baton Rouge murder suspect was arrested near Atlanta.
suspect: a person who is believed to be possibly guilty of committing a crime
ex) Houston police have arrested a suspect charged in the fatal shooting of a man.

□ offender 犯人
ex) Criminal laws treat repeat offenders more harshly than first-time offenders.
刑法は常習犯を初犯の人よりも より厳しく対処する
offend: a person who commits a crime
ex) A much smaller number of persistent and prolific offenders are responsible for a substantial proportion of all crime.

complicity 共犯者、共謀
ex) There's no proof of her complicity in the murder.

complicity: the act of helping to commit a crime or do wrong in some way
ex) He acted with his brother's complicity.
彼は 兄の共謀により 犯行に及んだ

□ conspirator  共犯者
ex) The assassination conspirators were arrested.
conspirator: a person who is involved in a secret plan to do something harmful or illegal : a person who is involved in a conspiracy
ex) Why can a conspirator be charged with both the inchoate offense of conspiracy and the robbery?


浴室の施設 シャンプー・石鹸 寛容・寛大 占める・独占 構成する・構成要因 疑う・疑惑
