英語で 疑い・疑惑 - TOP

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「Suspicion - 疑い・疑惑」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ dispute  (疑って)... に異論を唱える
ex) The lawyer disputed [=challenged] the witness's statement.
弁護士は 目撃者の証言に異論を唱えた
dispute: to say or show that (something) may not be true, correct, or legal
ex) You can dispute your bill if you believe it is inaccurate.

□ undisputed 誰もが認める、疑いの余地もない
ex) It is the undisputed fact that he had broken the law.
undisputed: not questioned or disputed
ex) He went on to become the undisputed world heavyweight champion.

□ mistrust 疑う、不審に思う
ex) I was starting to mistrust my own judgment.
私は自分自身の判断について 疑いを持ち始めた
mistrust: to have no trust or confidence in (someone or something)
ex) She mistrusts politicians.

□ distrust 疑惑、不審
ex) There is growing distrust about U.S. democracy.
アメリカの民主主義に関して 疑惑が深まりつつある
distrust: lack of trust or confidence : a feeling that someone or something is not honest and cannot be trusted
ex) He regards doctors with distrust. [=mistrust]

□ be in doubt 疑っている
ex) If in doubt, check it out.

□ raise doubts 疑問を投げかける
ex) She raised doubts about the school's ability to create a racially balanced class.
彼女は 人種的にバランスの取れた クラス分けをする 学校の能力の有無について 疑問を投げかけた
doubt: a feeling of being uncertain or unsure about something
ex) The report throsw a lot of doubt on women's ability to fight off a man.


skeptical 疑う、懐疑的である
ex) I'm skeptical about what I'm up to.

skeptical : having or expressing doubt about something (such as a claim or statement)
ex) I'm skeptical that he can win. = I doubt he can win.

私は 彼が 勝利を得ることを疑っている

skeptic 懐疑論者、疑い深い人
ex) This argument failed to convince the skeptics.
この討論では 疑い深い人たちを 説得することはできなかった

skeptic: a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions
ex) Skeptics have pointed out flaws in the researchers' methods.
懐疑論者たちは 研究者たちの手法に 欠点があると指摘していた

□ allegation 疑惑
ex) The mayor denies the allegations (that have been made) against him.
市長は自分にかけられた疑惑について 否定している
allegation: a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal
ex) There have been allegations of fraud in the city government.

□ take … with a grain of salt  …を疑ってかかる
ex) Take anything that he says with a grain of salt.
彼の発言の全てを 疑ってかかれ
a grain of salt: suggesting to view something, specifically claims that may be misleading
ex) We take the status quo with a grain of salt.

□ suspicion 疑い 
ex) It's strongly suspected that that money was a bribe.
suspicion: : the act or an instance of suspecting something
ex) He has been cleared of suspicion.

□ fishy   (話しなど)疑わしい
ex) Should I trust him when things seem fishy in my eyes?
私の目には 疑わしく思えるが、彼を信頼するべきだろうか?
fishy: feelings of doubt or suspicion.
ex) I'm convinced there is something fishy going on.

□ incredulous   疑うような、不信の色を示す
ex) People shook their heads incredulously.
incredulous: (of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something
ex) "Did you see that?" she asked incredulously.

□ discredit     疑惑、信用を落とさせる
ex) His theories met with general discredit.
彼の論理は 一般人から疑惑を受けた
discredit: loss or lack of reputation or respect
ex) Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the mayor.

be unquestioned 疑いの余地のない
ex) He is a man of unquestioned honesty.

unquestioned: not open to doubt or question; undisputed
ex) He's the unquestioned leader in his field
= No one would say that he is not the leader.
彼は 自身の分野において リーダーであることに 疑いの余地はない

 unquestionably   疑いなく、明白に
ex) That song is unquestionably terrible, and will never see the light of day.

unquestionably: in a way that is obvious and impossible to doubt
ex) She is unquestionably good at physics.
彼女は 疑うまでのことなく 物理学の成績が優秀である


議論・討論 浴室の施設 シャンプー・石鹸 寛容・寛大 占める・独占 構成する・構成要因
