MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週50ずつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。 言えそうで 言えない英語表現、学校の英語教科書には登場しない英会話フレーズが中心です。 コツコツ型の方に、お勧めの英語学習法 - 例文数も 5,000件を超えました!
「Account for - 占める比重・独占」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ … be given much weight in ‥ ‥では…の占める比重は大きい
ex) The study of English is given much weight in the curriculum.
その カリキュラムでは英語学習の比重が大きい
give weight to: to consider something important or especially relevant
ex) Your students are going to give a lot of weight to your opinion.
生徒たちは 君の意見に 重き比重を置くであろう
□ carry as much weight as ... ... と同様の比重を占めている
ex) A conversation over the phone carries just as much weight as a face-to-face meeting.
carry weight: to be considered serious and important enough to influence other people
ex) The Senator's opinion carries a lot of weight in Congress.
□ account for 占める
ex) The US and Europe now account for less than one-third of emissions.
アメリカとヨーロッパは 廃棄ガス放出 全体の 1/3 を占めている
account for: to form the total of something
ex) The global ecommerce market is expected to total $6.3 trillion in 2023 and account for 21.2% of total retail sales.
□ make up ... % of ...% を占めている
ex) Currently, women make up 12% of sworn officers and 3% of police leaders in the United States.
現在 アメリカでは 女性が 12%の正規警察官の職務を有し、3%の警察管理職の地位を女性が担っている
make up: compose or constitute a whole
ex) Women make up 56 percent of the student body
□ make up the majority of ... ... の大半を占めている
ex) Racial and ethnic groups other than whites will make up the majority of the American population.
アメリカでは、白人以外の有色人種が 人口の過半数を占めている
majority: the group or party that makes up the greater part of a whole body of persons
ex) For the first time, women make up majority of law firm associates.
□ comprise ...% of the total .. .. 全体の ... を占めている(構成している)
ex) Jeepneys comprise only around 2% of the total vehicles in the Philippines.
フィリピンでは ジープニーが 乗用車全体の 2%を占めるに過ぎない
comprise: be made up of, embraces
ex) Registered Nurses comprise one of the largest segments of the U.S. workforce as a whole
□ constitute ..% of ... ... の ..% を構成する、を占める
ex) The population of Ontario constitutes over 35% of the population of Canada.
オンタリオ州の人口は カナダ全体の 35% を占めている
constitute : to make up or form something
ex) Twelve months constitute a year.
= A year is made up of 12 months.
□ corner (市場を)独占する
ex) They have cornered the market in wheat.
= They have cornered the wheat market.
coner : to get control of a particular type of product that is being bought and sold
ex) He acts as if he's cornered the market on new ideas.
□ monopoly 独占
ex) The company has gained/acquired a (virtual/near) monopoly of/on/over the logging industry in this area.
その会社は このエリアで 伐木業界での事実上の独占状態を築き上げた
monopoly: complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market
ex) In a monopoly market, the seller faces no competition, as he is the sole seller of goods with no close substitute.
■ exclusive airing 独占放送
ex) We will broadcast the game exclusively on a streaming service.
私たちは その試合をストリーミングで独占放送します
exclusive: an item or story published or broadcast by only one source
ex) We have secured exclusive broadcast rights to the soccer games.
私たちは そのサッカーの試合の放送独占権を確保した
素早く・すぐに□ 免税店□ 議論・討論□ 浴室の施設□ シャンプー・石鹸□ 寛容・寛大□