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「Magnanimous - 寛大・寛容な」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ generous 気前の良い、(金銭的に)寛大な
ex) There's a generous (= kinder than deserved) review of the book in today's newspaper.
今日の新聞に その本に対する 寛大な批評が掲載されている
generous: willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual or expected
ex) She's been very generous with her time.
□ magnanimous(弱者に対し)寛大な
ex) The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.
generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person:
ex) Feel magnanimous about putting more money in the pockets of student-athletes.
■ giving 寛大な
ex) He was very giving and supportive.
彼はとても寛大で 支えになっていた
giving: providing love or other emotional support; caring.
ex) He can be very giving and affectionate once he trusts others.
彼は 一度他人を信用すると とても寛大になり、愛情をみせる
■ permissive 寛容な、寛大な、大目に見る
ex) He sometimes takes advantage of the permissiveness of his parents.
permissive: giving people a lot of freedom or too much freedom to do what they want to do
ex) A permissive teacher is easier on the students and lets them get away with more.
寛容な講師は 生徒に対し 甘く、処罰をしないで大目に見る
□ forgiving (罪などに対し)寛大な、寛容な
ex) He was in a forgiving mood.
forgiving: able or willing to forgive someone or something
ex) whether you are forgiving yourself or someone who has wronged you, does not suggest that you are condoning the behavior.
tolerance 寛容さ、忍耐力
ex) I have no tolerance for such behavior.
そのような振舞いに対する 寛容さは持ち合わせていない
= I cannot accept/tolerate such behavior.
tolerance: the ability to accept, experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant
ex) The police are exercising a new policy of zero tolerance against motoring offenders.
□ clemency 寛容、慈悲
ex) The judge ignored the prisoner's pleas for clemency. [=mercy]
法廷は 慈悲を乞う囚人の願いを無視した
clemency: kind or merciful treatment of someone who could be given harsh punishment
The President has granted clemency to several people this month.
□ merciful 寛大な、慈悲深い
ex) He became less merciful to his enemies.
merciful: treating people with kindness and forgiveness
ex) The movie at last came to a merciful end.
= The movie was so bad that its ending was a relief.
関連する 英語例文ページへ
熱心な・熱意を持って□ 素早く・すぐに□ 免税店□ 議論・討論□ 浴室の施設□ シャンプー・石鹸□