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「Pump Dispenser - シャンプー・石鹸」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ bathroom amenity   浴室用アメニティ
ex) These days, there's almost no limit to the high-end amenities you can add to a bathroom.
今日では 浴室用の高級アメニティが 数限りなく出回っている
amenity: something that makes life easier or more pleasant
ex) The hotel has every amenity you could want.

shampoo ... をシャンプーで洗う
ex) She shampoos her hair every morning.

shampoo: to clean (something, such as hair, a carpet, etc.) with shampoo
彼女はシャンプーで 毎朝 髪の毛を洗う
ex) We need to shampoo the rug.

soap bar 固形石鹸(せっけん)
ex) Use organic soap bars instead of buying liquid soap in plastic bottles.

soap bar: soap in the form of solid usually oblong or rectangular cakes
ex) All of our soap bars are hand made with only the finest ingredients.
私たちの固定石鹸は 良質な成分のみを配合して作られています

□ antibacterial soap 抗菌仕様の石鹸
ex) Antibacterial soaps can kill too much bacteria, including the good kind.
抗菌仕様の石鹸は 良い細菌まで殺菌してしまう
antibacterial: tending to prevent the growth or spread of bacteria
ex) I never travel without antibacterial wipes.

hand wipes ウエットティッシュ
ex) Antibacterial hand wipes kill and remove 99.9% of bacteria.
抗菌仕様のウエットティッシュは ほぼ100% のバクテリアを殺菌する

hand wipes: disinfecting wipes that effectively clean the hands
ex) These extra large and duarable hand wipes have a powerful cleaning formulation.

formulation 製法、剤形、製剤設計
ex) Shampoo formulation is rooted in chemistry, biology, and physics.

formulation: a material or mixture prepared according to a particular formula
ex) We're reviewing key ingredients for effective shampoo formulation.
私たちは 効果的なシャンプー製法のための 主要成分について検討している

□ harsh soap 強過ぎて不快な
ex) Harsh soaps can dry out your skin, so stick with mild soaps with added oils.
強すぎる石鹸は 肌の湿気を奪ってしまうので、油分を含むマイルドな石鹸を使うように
harsh: having an unpleasant or harmful effect because of great strength or force
ex) Chemical soap bars contain harsh detergents that can strip your skin of its natural oils.

□ liquid soap 液状石鹸
ex) This liquid soap is made from natural ingredients and has excellent moisturizing properties.
この液状石鹸は 自然成分からなっていて、保湿成分を含んでいる
liquid: a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil
ex) In this case, the main reason for liquid soap dripping is when a bit of soap is left close to the end of the nozzle and slowly falls away after use.

□ all-in-one body wash & shampoo 石鹸シャンプー(全身シャンプー)
ex) All-in-one shampoo, conditioner, and body wash perfect is for travel.
all-in-one: combining two or more items or functions in a single unit
ex) All-in-one shampoo cleans your hair. It conditions. It’s often body wash.

□ towel タオル
ex) Damp towels are a breeding ground for bacteria.
towel: a piece of cloth used for drying things
ex) launder your towel at least once a week

loofah   ヘチマの海綿状繊維、(浴室用)ヘチマ・スポンジ
ex) You should clean your loofah weekly.
ヘチマ・スポンジを週に1回 洗って

loofah: a rough sponge that is made from the dried fruit of a tropical plant and that people use to wash their bodies
ex) Loofahs are great for scrubbing.

ヘチマ・スポンジは体を 擦って洗うのに適している

□ nonslip mat 滑り止めつきの浴用マット
ex) It’s also a good idea to put nonslip mats inside bathtubs.
浴槽の中に滑り止めつきのマットを引くのは よい案だ
nonslip: designed to prevent slipping.
ex) This cotton non-skid bath rug is the best nonslip mat we tested.

□ moisturizer 保湿クリーム、モイスチャライザー
ex) Apply moisturizer within a few minutes of drying off.
乾かした数分後に 保湿クリームを塗ってください
moisturizer: a lotion or cream used to prevent dryness in the skin
ex) Every night I take off my makeup with baby lotion and then put moisturizer on.

□ pump bottle (シャンプーなどを入れる)ポンプ付きのボトル
ex) A pump dispenser will give exact doses per wash so it's much easier to approximate.
ポンプ付きのディスペンサーは 髪を洗う度 正確な量を出してくれるので使いやすい
pump bottle: used on containers of liquids to help dispensing
ex) Pumps and sprayers are those devices that commonly use a unit of measurement called output.

□ sundry items 雑貨
ex) Extra sundry items like disposable razors, toothbrush kits are not essentials, but nice to have a few.
使い捨て髭剃りや 歯ブラシセットなどの雑貨は、必須ではないが、あると便利である
sundry : made up of different things
ex) We offer a range of stylish bathroom sundries, from bathroom stools to tissue boxes.


月の満ち欠け・月光 熱心な・熱意を持って 素早く・すぐに 免税店 議論・討論 浴室の施設
