英語で 浴室・風呂場 - TOP

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「Bathroom Hamper - 浴室・風呂場の施設」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ bathtub 浴槽
ex) Are there faucets that can detect water levels in bathtubs so they don’t overflow?
浴槽の水を溢れさせないための水位監視機能のついた 蛇口はありますか?
bathtub: a large and long container in which people take baths or showers
ex) The most common cause of a slow draining bathtub is a clog restricting water flow.

□ bathroom hamper 浴室の洗濯物かご
ex) Bathroom hampers come in a variety of different materials.
多様な素材の 洗濯物かごを 用意しています
hamper: : a basket for holding dirty clothes until they can be washed
ex) Laundry hampers include folding styles that are ideal for rooms that are short on space.

□ bathroom medicine cabinet バスルームの薬棚
ex) The bathroom medicine cabinet with mirrors is designed for small space.
この鏡付きの 浴室用の薬棚は 狭いスペースにフィットするようにデザインされています
medicine cabinet: a box containing medicines and first-aid items, especially one attached to a bathroom wall
ex) Not all hotel room medicine cabinets have slots for disposable razors.

□ thermostatic valve 温度調節器
ex) If you want to get particular about the amount and temperature of the water coming out of your showerhead, a thermostatic valve is the way to go.
もし シャワーヘッドから出てくる お湯の温度に こだわりたいのなら、温度調節器を選ぶべきです
thermostatic valve: is a self-regulating valve fitted to hot water heating system
ex) The thermostatic valve controls the flow of water sensitively to temperature changes.

□ humidistat 恒湿器
ex) The humidistat automatically turns a humidifier or dehumidifier on or off based on whether the bathroom is meeting the desired humidity setting.
恒湿器は 浴室の理想的な湿度に合わせて 加湿器と除湿器を自動的に切り替える
humidistat: a device that reads the humidity in a space.
ex) A humidistat helps regulate humidity levels to prevent corrosion.

□ exhaust ventilating fan 排気通風機
ex) Upgrade your home with new bathroom exhaust fans.
浴室の排気通風機を アップグレードしよう
exhaust ventilating fan: a fan for ventilating an interior by drawing air from the interior and expelling it outside
ex) Both ventilation fans and exhaust fans work to create the freshest, cleanest air possible in the space they are installed.

□ handheld showerhead 手で持って操作できるシャワーヘッド
ex) Handheld showerheads make it easy to clean the shower stall.
showerhead: perforated nozzle that showers water on a bather
The handheld showerhead is water-saving and comfortable to use.

grab bar (浴室・トイレなど)つかまり棒
ex) A grab bar can help prevent falls.

grab bar: safety devices designed to enable a person to maintain balance
ex) These grab bars are corrosion resistant.
これらの 浴室用つかまり棒は さび防止使用である

□ curtain lining カーテンの裏地
ex) This curtain liner is made of a mold resistant fabric that will keep the bathtub clean.
このカーテンの裏地は カビ防止素材で出来ていて、浴槽を清潔に保ちます
curtain lining: an extra layer of fabric sewn to the back of a curtain
ex) I'm installing blackout curtain liners with hooks and rings.


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