英語で 議論・討論  - TOP

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「Dispute - 議論・討論 」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ dispute   議論する、論争する、口論する
ex) She disputed the claim.
彼女はその主張に対し 異議を唱えた
dispute : to say or show that (something) may not be true, correct, or legal
ex) The lawyer disputed [=challenged] the witness's statement.

discuss 議論する、討論する、(深く)話し合う
ex) They held a meeting to discuss the future of the company.
会社の将来について 話し合うために 彼らは会議を持った

discuss: to talk about (something) with another person or group
ex) She discussed the plan with several colleagues.
彼女は 何人かの同僚と その計画について 議論した

 discussion 議論、討議
ex) Our discussion revolved around the issue of money.

discussion: the act of talking about something with another person or a group of people
ex) The class was involved in a heated discussion about politics.
授業では政治に関する 白熱した議論を展開した

□ argue 討論する
ex) He has a natural tendency to argue, even when the subject is way over his head.
彼は自分の知識が及ばない分野でも 討論する生来の性質を持っている
argue : to give reasons for or against something
ex) She argued against the proposed law.

□ argument   議論、要旨 
ex) The committee presented strong arguments against building a new school.
新学校の建設に対して 委員会は力強い反対の意見を示した
argument: a statement or series of statements for or against something
ex) They made a persuasivargument for our participation.

□ present an argument 自分の意見・要旨を説明する
ex) We will present a balanced argument for the matter.
私たちは その課題に対し、バランスの取れた賛成の意見を示すであろう
present an argument: to indicate what the argument is
ex) To present a clear and concise argument, you need to use clear and precise language that conveys your meaning and avoids ambiguity or confusion.

□ arguable   議論の余地がある、論証できる
ex) It's arguable that another route would be just as bad.
もう一つのルートも同様に 悪いと言う考えには 議論の余地がある
arguable: open to argument, dispute, or question
ex) It is arguable whether the case should ever have gone to trial (= perhaps it should not have).

contentious 論争好きな、(問題など)議論を引き起こす
ex) I think it's wise to avoid such a highly contentious [=controversial] topic at a dinner party.
夕食会で 議論を引き起こすような話題は 避けるのが良いと考えます

contentious: likely to cause people to argue or disagree
ex) They have a contentious relationship.
= They argue with each other a lot.

□ debate (公の場で)討論する
ex) Scholars have been debating the meaning of the text for years.
学者たちはその文面のについて 何年も討論を重ねている
debate: to discuss (something) with people whose opinions are different from your own
ex) Whether or not the tax cuts benefit the lower classes is still hotly debated among economists.

□ demur (ていねいに)異議を唱える、反論する
ex) She suggested that he would win easily, but he demurred, saying he expected the election to be close.
彼女は 彼が選挙で楽勝すると唱えたが、彼は 接戦になると予測していると言った
demur: to disagree politely with another person's statement or suggestion
ex) A number of people wanted her to run for governor, but she demurred. [=declined]

□ talk out 討論し尽くす、根気よく話し合い解決する
ex) Therapy will provide a place to talk out your feelings, make plans and stay centered.
セラピーでは 自分の感情を徹底的に話し、計画を立て、冷静でいるための場所を提供している
talk out: to clarify or settle by oral discussion
ex) He talked out concepts and ideas.

□ demolish (議論などを)覆す、打破する
ex) The research demolished several myths about the disease.
その研究は その病気にまつわる 誤った通念を覆した
demolish: refute (an argument or its proponent)
ex) Her study demolished a theory that had gone unquestioned for years.

□ take the gloves off    (論戦)歯に衣を着せずに、(議論・闘争)本気で立ち向かう
ex) The prime minister has taken the gloves off in his fight to save the country from disaster.
総理大臣は 国を大惨事から救うため 奮闘する意思を示した
take the glove off be ready to act in an uncompromising or ruthless way.
ex) The GOP candidates will take gloves off at the debate.

□ mixed reviews 賛否両論
The film has got very mixed reviews.
その映画は 議論をよんでいる
mixed reviews: both good and bad opinions
ex) The movie received mixed reviews from the critics.

□ be in row about …      (英国)…について議論する、口喧嘩をする
ex) My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting.
両親は 口喧嘩をするが、どなるのは たいてい父親だ
row: a noisy argument or fight
ex) She got into a terrible row (=quarrel) with her boyfriend.

comeback 言い返し、反論
ex) I groped for a comeback.
私はうまい言い返しを 探った

comeback: a quick reply or response
ex) She seemed to have a clever comeback (=retort) for everything I said.
彼女は 私の言ったこと全てに うまく 切り返し 反論した

retort (鋭く)言い返す、切り返す、論争する
ex) She retorted angrily that it wasn't true.
彼女は その話しは真実でないと 怒りながら切り返した

retort: to reply to something in a quick and often angry way
ex)“That's not true!” she retorted.
"それは事実でないと 彼女は 言い返した"


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