英語で 素早い・即時に- TOP

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「Snappy - 素早い・すぐに・即時」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ swift 即座の、敏速な
ex) His swift action saved his life.
swift: happening or done quickly or immediately
ex) A swift current carried him downstream.

□ snappy てきぱきとした、急いで作った
ex) Clean your room, and make it snappy! (=do it quickly)
snappy : moving or able to move quickly
ex) He gave us the snappy answer.

□ brisk (動作など)きびきびとした
ex) We took a brisk walk through the park.
brisk: : moving or speaking quickly
ex) He set a brisk pace and we struggled to keep up.

expeditious  (行動など)迅速な、手際良い
ex) The train company was fairly expeditious in replying to my complaint.
その鉄道会社は 私の苦情に 迅速に応対してくれた

expeditious: acting or done in a quick and efficient way
ex) Both sides hoped for an expeditious (= prompt) resolution of the dispute.
両者がその論争に関して 迅速な和解を希望していた

□ offhand 思い付きで、即座に、不作法な
ex) His offhand excuses are not acceptable.
彼の 即座に思い付いただけの 弁明は 受け入れることができない
offhand: done or made without previous thought or preparation
ex) If you are at a wedding, you may want to make a few offhand but nice remarks about the newlyweds.

□ nimble  (動作など)速い、素早い、機敏な
ex) These exercises keep all your fingers nimble.
これらの練習により 指の動きが敏捷になる
nimble: able to move quickly, easily, and lightly
ex) Someone who is nimble is able to move their fingers, hands, or legs quickly and easily.

dart 素早く動く、突進する
ex) We saw a deer dart across the road.
私たちは 一頭の鹿が素早く道路を横切るのを見た

dart: to run or move quickly or suddenly in a particular direction or to a particular place
ex) I darted [=dashed] inside to get some ice.
氷を取りに行こうと、屋内に素早く 走った

□ shoot (素早く)動く、動かす
ex) They shot past us on skis.
スキーで彼らは 私たちを素早く追い抜いた
shoot: to go, move, or pass quickly and suddenly in a particular direction or to a particular place
ex) The frog shot out its tongue at a fly.

□ pump (素早く、上下に)動かす
ex) He pumped his arms up and down as he ran.
彼は 走る際 両手を上下に素早く 動かした
pump: to move (something) up and down or in and out quickly and repeatedly
She pumped the handle of the well.
ex) Don’t pump your arm back and forth like a power walker.

□ without skipping/missing a beat 間髪を入れず(に)、即座に
ex) She replied without missing a beat.
彼女は間髪を入れずに 返答した
without skipping a beat: to not pause or show any uncertainty, usually when this is surprising
ex) They can present, explain, and deliver our solutions without missing a beat.


具体的・具体性 先駆者・最先端 多様性・多面的 トンボ 月の満ち欠け・月光 熱心な・熱意を持って
