英語で 熱心な・熱意を持って - TOP

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「Earnest - 熱心な・熱意を持って」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ eager 熱心な 
ex) Students are eager about varied summer plans.
学生たちは さまざまな夏休みの計画を待ちきれない様子だ
eager: very excited and interested
ex) She was eager to get started.

□ committed   熱心な
ex) She is a committed environmental activist.
彼女は 熱心な環境活動家だ
committed: willing to give your time, energy, etc., to something : loyal, dedicated
ex) We're very committed to the cause.

□ zeal   熱意、熱心、熱中
ex) She attacked her homework with renewed zeal (= enthusiasm])after getting her first A.
彼女は 初めて成績で A を取った後、新たな熱意を持って 課題に取り組んだ
zeal: a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something
ex) The camp counselors enforced regulations with excessive zeal.

□ earnest 熱心な、真剣なひたむきな
ex) I tried to sound earnest 
earnest: serious and sincere
ex) The search began in earnest when the police arrived.

□ all ears.   熱心に聞く
ex) "Mom are you even listening to me?" "Yes, I'm all ears."
ちゃんと聞いている? 熱心に聞いていますよ
all ears: eager to hear something, listening attentively
ex) The press corps were all ears when tennis champion said she'd failed a drug test.

□ gung-ho    熱心な、忠誠心のある
ex) They were gung-ho about the opportunity.
彼らはそのチャンスに 熱心に取り組んでいた
gung-ho: extremely or overly zealous or enthusiastic
ex) Senate Republicans are less gung-ho about tax cuts.

□ unctuous    感動したような、熱心ぶった、お世辞の
ex) He chastised me for unctuous behavior in public.
彼は 熱心ぶって 私を公衆の面前で非難した
unctuous: having, revealing, or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality
ex) If you describe someone as unctuous, you are critical of them because they seem to be full of praise, kindness, or interest, but are obviously insincere.

fervency  熱心、熱意
ex) We loved one another with much fervency while we lived on that island.
私たちは熱意を持って 愛し合っていた

fervancy: feelings of great warmth and intensity
ex) The intensity of heat or feeling can be described as fervency.
強烈な暑さや 感情の激しさは 熱意 (fevency) と表現される

□ ardent 熱心な
ex) These ardent young nationalists are mostly still in their 20s.
それらの熱心な国家主義者たちの大半は まだ20代であった
ardent: expressing or characterized by warmth or passion, emotion, or desire
ex) He handled that with grace and patience, and then performed as brilliantly as any of his most ardent admirers could have hoped.

□ vehement 熱心な、熱狂的な
ex) Her voice was low but vehement.
vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.


絶対に・全く 具体的・具体性 先駆者・最先端 多様性・多面的 トンボ 月の満ち欠け・月光
