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「Moonbeam - 月の満ち欠け・月光」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ moonbeam 月光、月の明かり
ex) Concentrate on your breathing and allow the flow of moonbeams to envelope you.
(瞑想中)呼吸に集中して 月明りの流れがあなたの体を包みこむのを感じ取って
moonbeam: a ray of light from the moon : a beam of moonlight
ex) Moonbeams shone through the leaves of the trees.
□ moonlit 月明かりの
ex) Experience the enchantment of moonlit sightseeing on a serene beach.
moonlit: lighted by the moon
ex) Moonlit refers to something that is illuminated by the light of the moon.
□ moon phase 月相(月の明るい部分と暗い部分の形の変化)
ex) How many phases does the moon go through in 28 days?
月は 28日でどれだけの月相を見せるのか?
moon phase: the apparent shape of the Moon's directly sunlit portion as viewed from the earth.
ex) The 4 major Moon phases are full moon, new moon, first quarter and last quarter.
□ wane (月が)欠ける
ex) The waning moon is the period of time when the moon's light is shrinking.
欠けていく月の期間は 月の光が小さくなる時期である
wane: becoming smaller or less
ex) The waning gibbous phase is between a full moon and a half moon.
■ gibbous (月)半月と満月の間の形の
ex) A waxing gibbous moon is in the sky before it's dark and lights up the early evening.
(満月の前の)満ちていく月が 夕べの空を照らしている
gibbous: a certain phase of the moon, when it's bulging outward but isn't quite full
ex) The waxing gibbous is the fourth phase in the cycle of phases.
半月と満月の間の 満ちていく月は、月の満ち欠けの第4段階にあたる
■ wax (月が)満ちる
ex) A moon that is waxing is one that is getting larger each night.
満ちていく月は 毎晩ごと 大きくなっていく
wax: to appear to become larger or more full
ex) A waxing moon is any phase of the moon during the lunar cycle between the new moon and the full moon.
太陰周期で 新月と満月の間の期間 月は満ちていく
□ orbit 軌道
ex) The moon takes about one month to orbit earth.
月は約1か月で 地球の軌道を回る
orbit: to travel around (something, such as a planet or moon) in a curved path
ex) The Moon orbits around the Earth.
臨時・仮の□ 絶対に・全く□ 具体的・具体性□ 先駆者・最先端□ 多様性・多面的□ トンボ□