英語で 赤とんぼ - トンボの幼虫(ヤゴ)  - TOP

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「Dragonfly Larva - 赤とんぼ - トンボの幼虫(ヤゴ)」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

dragonfly (昆虫)トンボ  = skimmer
ex) Can dragonflies be kept as pets?

red-veined darter dragonfly 赤とんぼ、アキアカネ
ex) This red-veined darter dragonfly favours shallow pools and stream backwaters.
このアキアカネは 浅い水たまりや、小川のよどみに生息することを 好む

dragonfly: a large insect that has a long thin body and four wings and that is often seen near water
ex) Dragonflies are commonly at their peak activity in the fall, having migrated for the purpose of breeding.
一般的に トンボの最盛期は 秋であり、繁殖のために移動してくる

skim かすめて飛ぶ、すくい取る、上澄みをすくう
ex) What are dragonflies doing when they skim low over the water?
トンボが水面を飛んでいる時 何をしているのですか?

skim: go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air
ex) On a hot day, dragonflies sometimes adjust their body temperature by skimming over a water surface.
暑い日に トンボは体温調整のために 水面の上を飛ぶ

dragonfly larva トンボの幼虫(ヤゴ) larva = nymph
ex) A dragonfly's lifespan can vary from 6 months to several years, although most of that time is spent as a nymph.
トンボの寿命は 6か月から 数年に渡るが、ほとんどの時間は 幼虫として過ごす

larva: : a very young form of an insect that looks like a worm
ex) Wait several weeks or months for the nymph to grow and leave the water.
幼虫が成長して 水中を去るまで 数週間から 数か月 待ってみて

hover つきまとう、(...の辺りを)うろつく、(空中を)舞う
ex) A dragonfly is hovering near me.
トンボが私の周りを 飛び回っている

hover: to float in the air without moving in any direction
ex) Dragonflies are known for their ability to hover and swiftly change direction.
トンボが 高く 飛んでいる間に急旋回する能力を有することが 知られている

land on (虫などが)とまる
ex) The dragonfly landed on my arm.
そのトンボは 私の 腕の上にとまった

land : to return to the ground or another surface after a flight
ex) A dragonfly is resting on a branch.
トンボが一匹 木の枝の上にとまっている

□ prey 捕食となる餌
ex) Dragonflies are voracious eaters and their preferred prey are mosquitoes and small flies.
トンボは食欲旺盛な肉食動物で、好む餌は 蚊や小さなハエである
prey: : an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
ex) Often dragonflies are sitting on plants waiting for their prey when they dart out to catch them.

□ hatch (卵を)かえす、(卵から)かえる
ex) Dragonfly eggs may hatch in as little as five days.
hatch: to come out of an egg
ex) Dragonflies hatch from eggs in freshwater, and spent at least a few months as aquatic predators.

□ eclosed 羽化した
ex) I witnessed a freshly eclosed dragonfly drying its wings in the golden rays of the early morning sunlight.
羽化したばかりのトンボが 金色の朝日を浴びながら 羽を乾かしているのを 目撃した
eclose: (of an insect) emerge as an adult from the pupa or as a larva from the egg
ex) Tht skimmer nymph looks almost ready to eclose.

□ emerge as a dragonfly トンボとして生まれ出でる(羽化する)
ex) Newly-emerged adult dragonflies are weak in flight.
羽化したばかりのトンボは 飛ぶ力が弱い
emerge: to rise or appear from a hidden or unknown place or condition : to come out into view
ex) Once the dragonfly has emerged, it is at its weakest and is vulnerable to bird predators.

□ mate 交尾する、結婚する
ex) To initiate mating, a patrolling male dragonfly will pursue and approach a spotted female.
mate: to have sexual activity in order to produce young
ex) Introduce the dragonfly to other dragonflies so they can mate.



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