英語で 先駆者・最先端 - TOP

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「Trailblazer - 先駆者・最先端」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

trailblazer  先駆者、開拓者
ex) He's one of the trailblazers of Jazz.
彼はジャズ界での 先駆者である

trailblazer: a person who makes, does, or discovers something new and makes it acceptable or popular
ex) This exhibition explores his role as a trailblazer of American industrialization.
この展示会は アメリカの産業化の先駆者としての 彼の役割を探求している

□ pioneer 先駆者、草分け
ex) They were pioneers in the field of American medicine.
彼らは アメリカの医薬分野で 先駆者的な存在であった
pioneer: a person who helps create or develop new ideas, methods, etc.
ex) She was a pioneer in the development of new cancer

□ precursor 先駆者、先駆け
ex) Small tremors may be precursors to big earthquakes.
小さな 揺れは 大きな地震に先駆けて起こる
precursor: something that comes before something else and that often leads to or influences its development
ex) Rhythm and blues was a precursor of rock music.

□ forefront 最前線、第一線、先端
ex) We're at the forefront of IT industry today.
    我が社は IT業界の最先端にいる
forefront: the most important part or position
The discussion has brought the issue of health care to the forefront.
= The discussion has made the issue very important or well-known.

□ leading edge   最先端
ex) We are at the leading edge of scientific research.
私たちは 科学調査の最先端にいる
leading edge: the forefront or vanguard, especially of technological development
ex) When an aircraft flies, the leading-edge is the first part of the wing which meets the incoming air.

□ spearhead   …の先頭に立つ
ex) She spearheaded the campaign for better schools.
spearhead: to be the leader ofShe spearheaded the campaign for better schools.
ex) The movement was spearheaded by the teachers' union.

□ in the vanguard of ...の最先端で、先頭に立って
ex) We've been staying right in the vanguard of marketing. 
   マーケティングの分野で 先頭に立ち続ける
vanguard: : the group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, art, etc
ex) If someone is in the vanguard of something such as a revolution or an area of research, they are involved in the most advanced part of it.

□ cutting-edge    最先端の、時代を先取りしている
ex) The research we're doing now is on the cutting edge of medical technology.
cutting-edge: the newest and most advanced area of activity in an art, science, etc.
ex) He's a director who tries to keep his films right on the cutting edge.


奇妙な・変な 偶然・偶発 達成・実現 臨時・仮の 絶対に・全く 具体的・具体性
