英語で 具体的な・具体化する - TOP

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「Specific - Incarnate - 具体的な・具体化する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ concrete  具体的な
ex) It's helpful to have concrete examples of how words are used in context.
それらの言葉が文脈の中で どのように用いられるか、具体例を挙げていただければ助かります
concrete : relating to or involving specific people, things, or actions rather than general ideas or qualities
The police suspected that he was guilty, but they had no concrete evidence against him.
= The police had no clear and definite proof that he committed the crime.

□ crystallize (考えなどを)具体化する、結晶化させる
ex) He tried to crystallize his thoughts.
crystallize: to cause (something, such as an idea, belief, etc.) to become clear and fully formed
ex) The final paragraph of the essay crystallizes her theory.

□ specific 具体的な
ex) Could you put that in more specific terms ? 
specific: : clearly and exactly presented or stated : precise or exact
ex) The doctor gave the patient specific instructions on how to care for the wound.

□ incarnate 具体化する
ex) He incarnates the nation's political ideals.
彼は 国家政策のアイデアを具体化している
= The nation's political ideals are incarnated in him.
incarnate: to represent (something, such as an idea or quality) in a clear and obvious way
ex) The building incarnates the architect's latest theories.

 flesh out an idea   考えを具体化、肉づけする
ex) You need to flesh out your plan with more details.
自分の計画をもっと詳細まで考え 具体化する必要がある

flesh out: to make (something) more complete by adding details
ex) She fleshes out the characters in her novels very well.
彼女は 自分の小説の中で 登場人物の考え方を 巧みに具体化している

□ embody (抽象的なものを)具体的にする、(情報などを)統合する
ex) He is a leader who embodies courage.
= He is a very courageous leader.
彼は 勇気を象徴するかのようなリーダーである
embody: to represent (something) in a clear and obvious way : to be a symbol or example of (something)
ex) The legislature embodied a revenue provision in the new law.

□ figurative art (彫刻、絵画などの)造形美術 (抽象美術に対する具象芸術)
ex) Technically speaking, figurative art is any art form depicting a real life image clearly.
厳密に言えば、造形美術は 実在のものを 明瞭に描写する 芸術形式である
figurative art: any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure
ex) Abstract figurative art is a mix of abstract and figurative art, thus, people can find shapes that show feelings people can connect to.


アレルギー 奇妙な・変な 偶然・偶発 達成・実現 臨時・仮の 絶対に・全く
