英語で 達成・実現する - TOP

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「Attainable - 達成・実現する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ bring ... to fruition ...を達成する、を実現する
ex) I will get more ideas and bring them to fruition.
bring to fruition: to complete or do something successfully.
ex) Although we initially struggled to get funding for our project, we were able to bring it to fruition.

□ carry through   達成する、実行する
ex) Policy blueprints are rarely carried through perfectly.
政策の立案が 完全に達成されることは ほとんどない
carry through: put a plan or idea into effect
ex) We are determined to carry our plans through to completion.

□ accomplish   達成する、成就する
ex) I accomplished something I initially believed was impossible.
当初は ほとんど不可能と信じられていたことを、私は達成した
accomplish: to succeed in doing (something)
ex) They have accomplished (=done, achieved) much in a very short period of time.

□ fulfill (計画など)実行する、遂行する、(約束など)果たす
ex) He fulfilled his pledge to cut taxes.
彼は 減税の公約を果たした
fulfill: to do what is required by (something, such as a promise or a contract)
ex) She failed to fulfill her obligations.

□ a means to an end      目的達成のための手段
ex) If one takes care of the means, the end will take care of itself.
もし 手段を大切にすれば、結果はついてくるだろう
ex) Remember that wealth is not an end but a means to an end.

□ set goals and meet them     目標を設定して達成する
ex) A goal setting process forces you to think about the journey instead of just the end destination.
目標設定の過程では 到達地でなく、その旅全体について考えることを余儀なくされる
goal: something that you are trying to do or achieve
ex) To set goals and achieve them, start by choosing a specific and realistic goal.

□ attainable 達成できる、到達できる
ex) Yields in excess of 6% are easily attainable.
6% 以上の利益は 簡単に達成できる
attaibale: able to be attained; achievable
ex) I tend to be on the side of setting attainable goals rather than huge ones I can't achieve.

□ achieve … we never thought possible 不可能と思っていた … を達成する
ex) Some stress can motivate us to achieve things we never thought possible.
ストレスにより、自分では不可能と考えていた事柄に 達成するための動機付けを得ることもある
achieve: : to get or reach (something) by working hard
ex) How do I achieve task which seems to be nearly impossible?

□ reach one's full potential  自己の最高の能力に到達する
ex) Self-Actualization is the desire to reach your full potential.
自己実現とは 自分の全能力に達成したいという欲望である
potential: capable of becoming real
ex) Reaching your full potential isn't out of reach.

□ consummate  (求めていたものを遂に)実現する、達成する
ex) The bargaining process went on for a few days, but the deal was never consummated.
consummate: to make (something) perfect or complete
ex) Their happiness was consummated when their son was born.

□  endeavor   (達成するよう)努める
ex) The school endeavors to teach students to be good citizens.
その学校は生徒が良き市民となるための 教育に努めている
endeavor: to seriously or continually try to do (something)
ex) They endeavored to create a government that truly serves its people.

□ come to pass      実現する
ex) What other changes were expected and did they come to pass?
come to pass: happen, occur
ex) It came to pass that she had two sons.

□ make … happen    …を実現する、実施する
ex) They raised enough funding to make the campaign happen.
make ... happen: to realize, to cause or bring about a thing.
ex) Make your dreams happen.

 get ... off the ground (計画など)軌道に乗る、実現する
ex) We want to get ideas off the ground. 
私たちは アイデアを実現化したい

get off the ground: go begin to operate or proceed in a successful way
ex) You need to get a program off the ground.
あなたたちは プログラムを軌道に乗せる必要がある


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