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「Outlandish - 奇妙な・変な」に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ outlandish 風変わりな、異国風の
ex) I like outlandish shirts which have been created by our community of independent artists.
独立系アーティストがデザインした 奇抜なシャツが好きだ
outlandish: looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar
ex) Outlandish behavior is unexpected or eccentric, but it may not necessarily be harmful or offensive.
風変わりな振舞いとは 予想外で奇妙なものであるが、必ずしも 害を与えたり、人を傷つけるものではない
■ bizarre 奇妙な、突拍子もない
ex) What's the most bizarre Halloween costume you've ever encountered?
今までで見たハロウィーン衣装の中で 最も奇妙なものはどんなものですか?
bizarre: very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement
ex) She wore a bizarre outfit.
□ exotic 風変わりな、異国情緒の
ex) Luxuriantly beautiful hair is essential to exotic beauty.
ふさふさした美しい髪は 異国情緒漂う美しい人に欠かせない
exotic: very different, strange, or unusual
ex) She's known for her exotic tastes.
□ quaint 風変わりな、奇妙な、古風な趣のある
ex) His gentle courtesy and quaint speech won my heart.
quaint: having an old-fashioned or unusual quality or appearance that is usually attractive or appealing
ex) The fishing village was very quaint.
□ kink 突拍子のないこと、風変わり
ex) Everyone's personality has a few kinks.
誰もが性格に 奇妙な点を持っている
kink: a strange or unusual part of someone's personality
ex) Kinky people tend to be more sensation-seeking than the average population.
□ wacky 変わった、奇妙な
ex) The book contains some weird and wacky ideas for teaching kids about science.
その本は 子供に理科を教えるための 奇妙なアイデアを収録している
wacky: amusing and very strange
ex) My wacky aunt takes a swim before the lake freezes every winter.
□ peculiarity 奇妙さ、風変わり、特殊性
ex) It is a peculiarity of the house that there is no front door.
入口のドアが無い点が その家の特殊性である
peculiartiy: an odd or unusual feature or habit
ex) For all his peculiarities, she finds his personality quite endearing.
□ weird 変な、変わった
ex) My little brother acts weird sometimes.
weird: : unusual or strange
ex) Halloween can be a weird time if you want to be a weird.
□ quizzical 変な、奇妙な
ex) She raised a quizzical eyebrow when she saw what he was wearing.
quizzical : showing that you do not understand something or that you find something strange or amusing
ex) There was a quizzical expression on his face.
□ odd (通常とは異なり)変な
ex) She had an odd look on her face.
odd : strange or unusual : different from what is normal or expected
ex) He has some odd habits.
■ quirky とっぴな、予測できない
ex) He has a quirky sense of humor.
quirky: unusual especially in an interesting or appealing way
ex) Her sense of humor was decidedly quirky".
彼女のユーモアのセンスは 明らかに奇妙だ
■ erratic 奇妙な、一貫性のない、不安定な
ex) His behavior seemed erratic.
彼の振舞いは 奇妙に思えた
erratic : acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual
ex) He's an erratic (=inconsistent) shooter.
彼の射撃の腕には ムラがある
面倒・厄介□ 広々とした□ 狭い・小さい□ 主要栄養素□ ワッペン・バッジ□ アレルギー□