英語で アレルギー反応 - TOP

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「Allergic Response - アレルギー反応」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ allergy アレルギー
ex) A person's nose might run after eating because they have food allergies.
食べ物に アレルギーがあると 食後に鼻水がでることもあります
allergy /ˈælɚʤi/: a medical condition that causes someone to become sick after eating, touching, or breathing something that is harmless to most people
ex) It may take a while for a person to realize that they have a food allergy.

□ allergen   アレルギー誘発物質
ex) Hay fever occurs when allergens like pollen enter your body and your immune system mistakenly identifies them as a threat.
花粉症は 花粉が体内に入り 免疫システムが 誤って脅威とみなした時に 発生する
allergen : a substance that causes an allergy
ex) Depending on the allergen, this response may involve inflammation, sneezing, or a host of other symptoms.

allergic response   アレルギー反応
ex) An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body.
アレルギーとは、免疫市システムが 体に有害でない 異物に対して 反応することだ

allergic : of or relating to an allergy
ex) If you take any medication before an anticipated allergic response, you may still experience some of these symptoms, but they may be reduced.
予期しているアレルギー反応が起こる前に投薬を始めた場合、症状は出ても 緩和されるであろう

□ genetic component 遺伝子成分、遺伝要素
ex) Allergies have a genetic component. This means parents can pass them down to their children.
アレルギー誘発物質は 遺伝要素にも関わるので、子供たちにも アレルギーが遺伝することもある
genetic: of, relating to, or involving genes
ex) Learn about the link between genes and allergies.

□ pass down (次の世代などに)伝える、渡す
ex) Allergies can be passed down through genes from parents to their kids.
アレルギーは遺伝子を通じて 親から子供に遺伝することもある
pass down: o give or teach something to your children or people younger than you, who will then give or teach it to those who live after them
ex) Can allergies be genetically passed down?

□ run in one's family 遺伝である、家系特有である
ex) Allergies tend to run in families.
runs in the family: many members of the family have it: Intelligence seems to run in that family
ex) It has long been known that allergies and asthma tend to run in families.

□ foreign substance 異物
ex) These foreign substances are called allergens.
それらの異物は アレルギー誘発物質 と呼ばれている substance : a material of a particular kind
ex) If you’re allergic to a particular substance, your skin will become red and inflamed.

□ outside invader 外部から侵入する異物
ex) The immune system protects your child's body from outside invaders.
免疫システムは 外部から侵入する異物から 子供たちの体を守る
invade: : to spread over or into usually harmfully
ex) In people with dander allergies, the immune system perceives it as an outside invader threatening the body and attacks it.

stomach cramps 胃痙攣
ex) Key symptoms of a food allergy include stomach cramps.
食べ物アレルギーの症状には 胃痙攣も含まれる

cramp: painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, typically caused by fatigue or strain
ex) Stomach cramp is a sudden, tight feeling in the muscles of your belly.

胃痙攣は 腹部の筋肉に急激な収縮感を 伴う

□ food intolerance 食物不耐性
ex) Food intolerance occurs when the body has a chemical reaction to eating a particular food or drink.
食物不耐性は ある特定の食べ物に対し 体が化学反応を起こす時に生じる
food intolearance: either the body can't properly digest the food that is eaten, or that a particular food might irritate the digestive system
ex) Physical reactions to certain foods are common, but most are caused by a food intolerance rather than a food allergy.


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