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「Patch - Badge - ワッペン・バッジ・刺繍」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

patch ワッペン
ex) Patches can make clothes more fashionable and interesting.
ワッペンは 洋服をより、ファッショナブルで面白いものにする

patch: a piece of cloth with words or pictures that is sewn on clothing as a decoration or as part of a uniform
ex) Our leather patches and leather labels for clothing use high quality genuine leather available in a variety of colors.
私たちが衣類に使用する 革製のワッペンや ラベルは 高品質の本革を用い、多様な色を用意しています

patch up (人間関係など)修復する、仲直りする
ex) He is going to try to patch things up with his girlfriend.
彼は ガールフレンドとの仲直りに 努めるであろう

patch up : to deal with (a problem, disagreement, etc.) in order to improve or repair a relationship
ex) They finally patched up (= settled) their differences.
彼らは 最終的に意見の相違を修復した

woven    織った、織って作った
ex) Woven patches have a classic look and refined detailing.
織って作ったワッペンは 伝統的な見た目で、細部が洗練されている

woven: a cloth formed by weaving
ex) Woven patches are badges made of tightly woven fine threads on a fabric backing.
刺繍ワッペンは、布の裏側で 高級感のある糸を用いて 目を詰めて織ってある

□ embroidered 刺しゅう入りの
ex) The base fabrics of embroidered patches are mainly cotton.
刺しゅう入りのワッペンの下地の布は 主に綿である
ex) Embroidered patches are definitely an ideal choice for brands looking for a shining brand and attention.

□ Velcro ベルクロ(マジックテープ)
ex) With velcro patches your clothing items will be easily recognized among others.
マジックテープ式の ワッペンを洋服につけると、他の服と簡単に見分けがつく
Velcor: a fastener for clothes or other items, consisting of two strips of thin plastic sheet, one covered with tiny loops and the other with tiny flexible hooks, which adhere when pressed together and can be separated when pulled apart deliberately
ex) A velcro backing is an easy way of securing a patch to your clothes.

□ badge  バッジ、記章
ex) Here are some common ways people use cute pin badges.
素敵なピン付きバッジの 一般的な使い方を紹介します
badge: a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc.
ex) I have some badge-applique denim jeans.

□ applique アップリケ、アップリケの施された
ex) The coat is appliquéd with exotic-looking cloth.
そのコートは 異国情緒を感じさせる布地の アップリケで装飾されている
applique: ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric are sewn or stuck onto a large piece of fabric to form pictures or patterns.
ex) The shirt features a faithful reproduction of an unfinished appliqué quilt top of turkey red and yellow bunches of flowers.

□ emblem  徽章、記章、バッジ
ex) The emblem is sold separately and will not be sewn onto the blazer.
エンブレムは別売りで ブレザーには 縫い付けてありません
emblem: a heraldic device or symbolic object as a distinctive badge of a nation, organization, or family
ex) That's the proper way to sew on a blazer badge?

□ PVC   ポリ塩化ビニール   = polyvinyl chloride
The PVC patch is a durable and soft polyvinyl chloride patch, a rubber material that is lightweight.
そのポリ塩化ビニールのワッペンは 柔らかく 耐久性のある 軽量のゴム素材でできている
polyvinyl chloride: a synthetic thermoplastic material made by polymerizing vinyl chloride
ex) The patch is crafted out of high-grade PVC.



段階的 並ぶ 面倒・厄介 広々とした 狭い・小さい 主要栄養素