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「Cramped - Incapacious - (部屋などが)狭い・小さい」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ small 小さい
ex) Fun small bedroom ideas feel hard to come by.
小さくても楽しい寝室を作るという着想は なかなか得にくい
small: little in size
ex) Many people who live in small houses have their desires for their ideal homes.
小さな家に住む 多くの人達が 理想の住宅に対しての 願望を抱いている
■ come by 着想する、手に入れる
ex) Satisfying small living room ideas are often hard to come by.
小さくても 満足の行く 居間作りの着想を得ることは難しい
come by: manage to acquire or obtain something.
ex) She managed to come by a small apartment.
彼女は 何とか 小さな アパートを手に入れた
□ narrow (幅が)狭い
ex) The road is so narrow that cars coming in opposite directions can't pass.
narrow: (especially of something that is considerably longer or higher than it is wide) of small width
ex) Solid wood narrow dining tables will fit those long rooms with ease.
□ crawl space (縦に)狭い空間、(屋根裏、床下など)身長以下のスペース
ex) A crawl space is a small room beneath the main floor of a home but is not a full basement.
建物の床の下の低いスペース(クロール・スペース)とは 床下でありながら、完全な地下室ではない空間のことをいう
crawl space: an area of limited height under a floor or roof, giving access to wiring and plumbing
ex) If your home has a crawl space, now is a good time to inspect it for any signs of moisture accumulation.
□ cramped 狭い、きゅうくつな
ex) I don't want to shell out cash for a cramped hotel room when I'm visiting the town.
街に滞在する際、狭いホテルの部屋に お金を払いたくはない
cramped: feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or hemmed in by lack of space
ex) The addition of media materials has made the library space cramped and inefficient.
■ incapacious 狭い、十分な人や物を収容できない
ex) The restaurant space is incapacious and divided by the limited dining tables.
そのレストランは 狭く、テーブルにより仕切られていた
incapacious: having little or insufficient size or capacity
ex) This building has a very limited parking capacity due to the incapacious area.
非常に狭い区画のため、その建物は 限定的な駐車スペースしか 持ち合わせなかった
□ compact 小さな、小さくまとまった
ex) The house was compact but perfectly adequate.
その家は小さいが 生活には十分であった
compact : using little space and having parts that are close together
ex) Try these small-home solutions to make compact rooms into functional, inviting spaces.
□ have room to breathe / breathing room 一息入れる場所がある、(精神的に)余裕がある
ex) Though my room is small it still leaves room to breathe.
breathing room: sufficient room to move and breathe comfortably.
ex) Another way to create more breathing room in a tiny windowless bathroom is to incorporate an open vanity with long legs.
□ storage issue 収納の問題
ex) Despite the obvious storage issue, you don’t need too much extra space in your bedroom.
収納上の問題はあるにせよ、寝室であれば 余分なスペースは多く要しない
storge: space available for storing something, in particular allocated space in a warehouse
ex) Take advantage of extra high ceilings by adding a lofted storage space.
□ tight fit 窮屈感、ぴったりとはまること
ex) I managed to squeeze in a chest of drawers between, but it’s a tight fit.
私は 整理だんすを何とか 押し込んだが、窮屈感がある
ex) In order to get it in, I had to tip the furniture forward and squeeze it in, and then put it upright. It's a tight fit!
場合□ 事前に□ 段階的□ 並ぶ□ 面倒・厄介□ 広々とした□