英語で - 広々とした・面積的に大きい - TOP

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「Roomy - Spacious - 広々とした・面積的に大きい」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

roomy (空間などが)広々とした
ex) The cabin is roomy and well planned.
そのキャビンは広々としていて 間取りも良い

roomy: having plenty of space or room
ex) The apartment was roomy (=spacious) inside.
そのアパートの内部は 広々としていた

□ well planned 間取りが良い
ex) A well-planned housing estate must have good infrastructure that includes a robust road network.
間取りの良い住宅団地が 頑丈な道路網など良好なインフラを有している
well-planned: relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a specific end
ex) A well-planned home is a home so thought out and so put together that the things that have to be done may be done with the least possible irritation and monotony.

□ spacious 広々とした
ex) The dining room is spacious [=roomy] enough to seat our whole family and several guests.
そのダイニングルームは、家族全員と 数名のゲストが着席するのに十分な広さを有する
spacious: having a large amount of space
ex) Some guests may want a basic and affordable room, while others may prefer a luxurious and spacious suite.

□ spaciousness (広々とした場所の)広さ
ex) The high ceilings in these rooms give them a feeling of spaciousness.
高い天井は 広々とした感覚を与える
spaciousness: the quality of being large and having a lot of space
ex) The building has a feeling of spaciousness and light.

□ area 面積
ex) This room is quite large in area.
area: he amount of space a flat shape, like a polygon, circle or ellipse
ex) What is the area of a room that is 4 m long and 3 m wide? / The area of the room is 12 square meters.

□ ample (場所などが)広々とした、十分な
ex) There was ample room for a garden.
= There was plenty of room for a garden.
ample /ˈæmpəl/ : having or providing enough or more than enough of what is needed
ex) They had ample money for the trip.

amply 十分に
ex) These facts amply demonstrate that something is wrong.
これらの事実は、何かが間違っていることを 十分明白にした

amply: plentifully
ex) You will be amply rewarded for your efforts.
= You will be given a large reward for your efforts.

□ open-plan …     (広い)ワンルーム形式の、開放感のある
ex) Will it be a separate room or part of a larger open-plan living area?
それは別々の部屋ですか? それとも 大きなワンルーム形式の今の一部ですか?
open-pan: used to describe a room or building which has few or no walls inside, so it is not divided into smaller rooms
ex) Make more of your square footage with open-plan living room ideas to create a beautiful and multi-functional space for all the family.

commodious 広々とした
ex) These commodious rooms feature two queen beds.
これらの広々とした部屋には 2つのクィーンサイズベッドが配されている

commodious: having a lot of space
ex) During your stay, this commodious, magnificent room will become your second home.
あなたの滞在中、この広々とした 優雅な部屋は 別荘となるであろう

□ oversized 通常のサイズより大きい、特大の
ex) Our oversized guest gooms offer additional space to stretch out.
私たちの 大きな客室には 体を伸ばす 追加スペースが配されている
oversized: of a size larger than is necessary or required
ex) is the largest guest room with oversized windows that offer splendid city views of Fifth Avenue.

sizable かなり大きい
ex) He won by a sizable margin.

sizable: fairly large
ex) He inherited a sizable fortune.
彼は かなり大きな額の財産を 相続した


重い 場合 事前に 段階的 並ぶ 面倒・厄介
