英語で 一列に並ぶ・列を作る - TOP

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「Lined Up - 一列に並ぶ・列を作る」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

line …     … に立ち並ぶ
ex) I saw many tourists lining the street.

line: to place or form a line along
ex) Students lined the hall, waiting to register for classes.

line up for …  … のために列に並ぶ
ex) People are lining up along the street for the circus.

line up: to form a line
ex) The soldiers lined up for inspection.

line (people or things) up: to put (people or things) into a line
ex) The soldiers were lined up for inspection.

waiting line            (待つための)列
ex) The waiting line was out the front door. 

 form a line 一列に並ぶ
ex) Customers are forming the line around checkout aisles.
買い物客は レジの前の通路に 一列に並んでいる

form: to cause (something) to have a particular shape or form
ex) Waiting lines are formed only when service operations are under staffed.
待ち人による列は、サービススタッフが 足りない時のみ できる

one's spot    (列などの)場所
ex) I went back to my spot further back in the line.

line up behind each other           縦一列に並ぶ
ex) Don't sit beside each other. You should line up behind your friend.
並んで座らないで。 友達の後ろに並んでください

queue-jump     列に割り込む  
ex) Queue jumpers will be asked to move to the back.



残り 重い 場合 事前に 段階的 面倒
