英語で 必要・需要 - TOP

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必要 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

need … like yesterday    今すぐ … が必要だ
ex) This coffee maker needs to get fixed like yesterday.

feel an intense need to …     …をする必要性を感じる 
ex) I feel an intense need to see that movie.

call 必要性、需要
ex) There's not much call for aloe ointment in Japan.

call : make something necessary
ex) Desperate times call for desperate measures. 絶望的な時代には、捨て身の方針が必要とされる

 call for …を要求する、必要とする
ex) The opposition has called for an investigation.

call for: to say or demand publicly that something is needed or should be done
ex) The government has called for [=asked for] calm and restraint.
政府は 平静と控えることを 求めた

□ indispensable 必要不可欠な
ex) She is an indispensable [=essential] part of the team.
indispensable: extremely important and necessary
ex) A calculator is an indispensable tool for solving these problems.

□ essential 必要不可欠な
ex) ex) As a fighter pilot, he knows that good vision is essential.
戦闘機の操縦士として 良い視力は必要不可欠であると彼は知っていた
essential: extremely important and necessary
ex) Reservations are essential [=necessary, needed] if you plan to eat there on a Saturday.

on an as-needed basis 必要な場合にに応じて
ex) The school provides tutoring on an as-needed basis for its students.
その学校は生徒のために 必要に応じて 個人指導を提供する

on an as-needed basis: not to be done on a regular interval only when the need arises
ex) The job is to be performed on an as-needed basis.

□ chance or necessity 偶然か、必然か
ex) Is evolution a necessity or chance?
進化は 必然か、或いは偶然か?
necessity : impossibility of a contrary order or condition
ex) Universe is the fruit of chance and of necessity.

as much as … need   必要なだけ 
ex) Water as much as your plants need.

more than it needs to be 必要以上に … である
ex) This kitchen is larger than it needs to be.

basic necessity   最小限必要なもの
ex) Chocolate is a basic necessity for any survival kit.

basic necessity: an essential item or substance needed to support life and health
ex) In supermarkets, people wandered past half-empty shelves that for months have rarely offered even basic necessities.
スーパーマーケットで 人々は 3か月以上も ほとんど空の 商品棚を見ており 生活必需品さえほとんど提供されていない


反対する 事実 時間変更 簡単 自信 転ぶ
