英語で 間違え・ミス・誤り - TOP

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「Mix up / Slip up - 間違え・ミス・誤り」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

make a mistake 間違える、ミスを犯す
ex) Anyone could have made a mistake like this.

mistake: something that is not correct : a wrong action, statement, or judgment
ex) I made the mistake of believing her.

by mistake 誤って、間違えて
ex) I got on the wrong train by mistake. (= accidentally)
私は間違えて 違う電車に乗ってしまった

by mistake: because of a mistake : without intending to
ex) Someone must have left the door open by mistake.
誰かが間違えて 扉を開けたままにしたに 違いない

mix up 間違える、勘違いする
ex) Our coffee got mixed up with another table.

mix up: confuse someone or something with another person or thing.
ex) I'd got her mixed up with her sister.
私は 彼女と彼女の妹を間違えてしまった

ex) I have had my bag mixed up with someone.

mix-up 取り違え、混同
ex) There was a mix-up over travel arrangements.
旅行手配に 勘違いがあった

mix-up: a confused state of things
ex) The mix-ups nearly cost him his job.

get … wrong … を間違える
ex) School got the date wrong for one of my exams.
学校が 試験の日にちを 間違えて伝えた

go the wrong way 間違った道を行く
ex) Perhaps they went the wrong way and got lost.
恐らく 彼らは道を間違えて 道に迷ったのであろう

get wrong: to fail to understand (someone or something) correctly
ex) She got the instructions wrong.
彼女は誤って 指示を理解してしまった

goof up … (書類など)を間違える
ex) I really goofed up and got all the dates wrong.

goof up: to do something badly or make a silly mistake that causes something to fail
ex) I really goofed up that math problem.

goof-up 間違え、ミス、失敗
ex) The letter they sent was a goof-up; it was intended for someone else.

goof-up: a mistake, blunder, malfunction, or the like
ex) There are always software bugs and security goof-ups.
ソフトウエアのバグや、セキュリティ上のミスは いつもある

slip up     間違えを犯す
ex) Don't slip up when choosing a good wedding planner.

slip up: make a careless error
ex) They often slipped up when it came to spelling.
文字を書くとなると、彼らは いつもスペルミスをする

slip-up 間違え
ex) She made several verbal slips-ups on the radio program.
slip-up: a mistake, blunder, or oversight
ex) Several slip-ups caused a delay in the delivery of the books.

misstep    いくつかの間違え、過失
ex) Despite a few missteps the competition went smoothly for me.

misstep: a mistake, especially one that is caused by not understanding a situation correctly
ex) A misstep here could cost millions of dollars.

fool-proof     ミスのない
ex) I'll give you some easy and fool-proof recipes to impress your friends.

fool-proof: so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure
ex) Pairing tops and bottoms in the same color is a quick, fool-proof formula for style.

error-free ミスのない
ex) This keyboard brings users faster and error-free typing.

erro-free: the use of any automatic device or method that makes it impossible to make an error
ex) The pencil has been tested 100% error free on actual exam sheet scanners.
この鉛筆は スキャナー式答案でも 読み取り間違えが起こらないと、証明されている

be proved wrong     間違えであると証明される
ex) Often our first impressions are proved wrong in the long run.

prove wrong: show to be false or erroneous
ex) Prove me wrong.
私が間違えていると 実証して

blunder 間違え、へま、失敗
ex) She stopped, finally aware of the terrible blunder she had made.

blunder: a stupid or careless mistake
ex) I made a blunder by getting his name wrong.
私は彼の名前を 間違えて覚えて、失敗した


印象 経験 影響 大切 反対する 事実
