英語で Experience / Empirical - 経験する・経験上 - TOP

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「Experience / Empirical - 経験する・経験上」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

hands-on experience  実践的な経験
ex) When it comes to staging for an event, there's no substitute for hands-on experience.

hands-on: relating to, being, or providing direct practical experience in the operation or functioning of something
ex) Hands-on experience can involve engaging in job duties for a specific position.
実践的な経験には、特定の地位での 職業への従事も含まれる

first-hand experience    直接体験によって得た経験
ex) This rapidly changing field requires familiarity and first-hand experience.

first-hand: gained or learned directly
ex) No matter how much I had read on the subject, there's nothing that can compare to firsthand experience.
どんなに その教科に関する 書物を読んだとしても、直接体験によって得た経験に 勝ることはない

be an old hand at …    …のベテランである、経験豊富である
ex) He is obviously an old hand at dealing with high-end customers.

old hand: a person with a lot of experience in something
ex) He's an old hand at red-tape cutting.
彼は 形式主義的なしきたりを破る 永年の経験を有する

have been in this line of work since …    …年からずっとこの仕事に就いている
ex) I've been in so many lines of work for over a decade.

My experience indicates 経験上 … と言えます
ex) My experience indicates the exact opposite.

I've been down that road before. (同情、理解) 同じ経験をした
ex) I've been down that road before but I ended up working it out.

veteran 仕事上 経験豊かな
ex) Plenty of veterans love this diving spot.
経験豊かなダイバー達が このダイビングスポットを気に入っています

empirical 経験上の、経験的に
ex) But was he actually, empirically right?
しかし 彼は 経験的に見て 適切な人物でしたか?

□□ empirical: knowledge derived from investigation, observation, experimentation, or experience,
□□ as opposed to theoretical knowledge based on logical or mathematical assumptions.

Experience is the best educator.


価値 可能性 誤解 印象 影響 大切 
