英語で Likely / Likelihood - 可能性・見込み - TOP

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「Likely / Likelihood - 可能性・見込み」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

the likelihood of …    … の見込み、可能性
ex) They have a lower likelihood of bankruptcy now.

likelihood: the chance that something will happen
ex) There is no likelihood of that happening.
それが起こる可能性は 全くない
= There is no chance of that happening.

odds 可能性、見込み
ex) The odds of that happening are exceedingly slim to nil.

odds: the chances or likelihood of something happening or being the case ex) This food reduces your odds of obesity.
この食べ物は 肥満になる可能性を低くする

Odds are that... ... の可能性が高い
ex) The odds are that he is no longer alive.
彼が生存している可能性は 低い

odds: the chance that one thing will happen instead of a different thing
ex) There's a chance it could rain, but odds are that it'll be sunny tomorrow.

It seems unlikely that …   …する可能性は少ないように思われる
ex) It seems unlikely that this economy can return to normal anytime soon.

be less likely to …   … しそうもない
ex) Young people are less likely to buy into expensive low calorie meals.

stand a chance …        …する見込みがある
ex) Which person stands a better chance of getting the job position?

fat chance. 可能性が低い、ありえない
ex) There's fat chance of such a mistake taking place.

ghost of a chance   ほんの少しのチャンス、可能性
ex) You don't have even a ghost of a chance.

if not impossible   不可能でないにしても
ex) It is difficultif not impossible.

possible but unlikely   可能性はあっても、実現率は低い
ex) It is possible but unlikely that we win the game.

feasibility   可能性
ex) The researcher would like to test the feasibility of the medicine.
研究員たちは その薬の 可能性についてを 実験したいと 考えている

feasibility: the state or degree of being easily or conveniently done
ex) We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping mall there.


予知する 決心する 標準 価値 誤解 印象 
