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「Decision - Determined - 決心・決意する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ have decided to ... ... と決めた
ex) I've decided to buy a car.
車を買う と決めた
decide : to make a choice about (something) : to choose (something) after thinking about it
ex) She decided to go along with us.
彼女は 私たちと一緒に行くことに 決めた
■ decision 決定、決断、決意
ex) Have you reached a decision?
ex) She announced her decision to go to medical school.
彼女は 医療学校に進学する決意を 表明した
□ be determined to not to … …しないと決心した
ex) We've been determined not to let the bullying prevail.
□□ I determined to ... は 決める (= decide)
□□ I was determined to ... は 決心する (= resolve)
□□ When you say I determined to X, you are speaking about an action:
□□ a choice is being made, a path is selected, an option is picked.
□□ When you say I was determined to X, you are speaking about a mental state: a focus, a purpose.
□ be resolute 固く決心している、意志の固い
ex) What I'm resolute about is to upgrade my negotiation skills.
□□ resolution 決意
□□ ex) New year resolution is an opportunity to gauge our goals.
□□ 新年の決意は 目標を測定する 機会となる
□ make up one's mind 決心する
ex) I'm not sure what flavor I want, I'm still making my mind up.
何味にしたいか 分からない、まだ決めている最中だ
■ be bent on … … すると決意する
ex) She is bent on pursuing a career in showbiz.
be bent on: to be very determined to do something
ex) She's bent on coming here for the weekend, so we better clean the guest room.
彼女は週末ここに来ると 決めているから、ゲストルームを掃除しておいた方がよい
□ cross the Rubicon 決心、決断をする
ex) He must have crossed the Rubicon without being aware of it.
■ double-minded 決心がつかない、優柔不断の
ex) A double-minded man is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
優柔不断な人は 海の波のように 吹いている風に翻弄される
double-minded: wavering in mind
ex) A double-minded man is someone who is constantly living in a state of compromise.
決心のつかない人は 常に 妥協の状態で 人生を送っている
■ wavering(気持ちが)ぐらついている、決心できない
ex) She wavered [=vacillated] over the decision for hours.
彼女の気持ちは揺れ、決断を下すのに 数時間を要した
wavering: : to go back and forth between choices or opinions
ex) I'm still wavering between the two candidates.
□ unyielding (意見、決心)屈しない、頑固な
ex) He's gone up the corporate ladder with an unyielding decision to success.
毎日□ Lately - 最近□ 満たす□ 予知する□ 基準□ 価値のある□