英語で 専業主婦・家事 - TOP

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「Homemaker - 専業主婦・家事」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

homemaker       主婦
ex) Homemakers continue to be the chief shoppers for their families.

homemaker: a person who spends their time looking after a home and doing housework rather than being employed outside the home
ex) I'm a homemaker with two small children.
私は 2人の子供を持つ 主婦です

a … and ‥      … と‥を兼業している
ex) I'm a housewife and mother of two.

I’m a working-outside-the-home mom.

stay-at-home wife       専業主婦
ex) Would you ever consider being a stay-at-home mom?

work around the house     家事をする
ex) His wife wants him to do some work around the house.

work around the house: unpaid housework, such as upkeep and maintenance
ex) While I used to consider the work I needed to do around the house utterly expendable, I now see it as integral for my and my family's happiness.
以前は 家事について やらなくてもよいと考えていたが、今では 家事は 家族の幸福のために 不可欠なものと考えている

help around the house 家事を手伝う
ex) I want my son to help around the house.

help: : to aid or assist someone
ex) How do I tell my husband I need help around the house?
夫にどうやって 家事を手伝ってほしいと 告げればよいでしょうか?

do household chores    家の雑用をする
ex) Doing household chores does not have to be boring.
家事をこなすことは 退屈ではない

run an errand (外出を伴う)用事を済ます、雑用をする
ex) I have to run some unpleasant errands like fetching clothes from the cleaners.
クリーニング屋に洗濯物を取りに行くなど 気の進まない用事を いくつか済ませなければならない

errand: a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on someone else's behalf
ex) She asked her husband to run an errand for her.

breadwinner     一家の稼ぎ手
ex) Women are now increasingly sharing the role of breadwinner.

ex-wife    別れた妻 
ex) Perhaps his ex-wife resents you and tries to make you furious.

stepmother        継母
ex) She can handle being a stepmom.

common-law wife        内縁の妻
ex) The liberals are in favor of cohabitation and common-law marriage.


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