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「Besides / In addition - 加えて・その他・同様」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
Q. In addition to と、Besides は "... に加えて" の意味で 置き換えが可能ですか?
A. in addition to … と besides … の意味は … に加えてであり同義語です。 In addition = Besides は 「そして」= also と同様に、接続詞としても使えます。 ただ、Besides には ... を除いて = except の意味もあり、この場合は in addition to に置き換えることはできません。
ex) There's no one here besides (= except) me.
私を除いて ここには誰もいません
■ in addition to … に加えて
ex) In addition to his immense talent as a poet, he has a background in interior design.
in addition to: along with or together with (something or someone)
ex) In addition to his talent as an aouther, he has a background in art.
著者としての才能に加え、 彼は芸術分野においても 経歴がある
■ besides … に加えて
ex) Besides being delicious, blueberries also pack a punch of nutrition.
besides: in addition to (something)
ex) She wants to learn other languages besides English and French.
■ besides ..もまた = also, as well
ex) The restaurant serves pasta and many other foods besides.
パスタや、他の食べ物も メニューにある
besides: as well
ex) I'm capable of doing the work, and a lot more besides.
私はその仕事の他にも もっと多くの事ができる
「beside そばに」
* besides から "s" を 取った beside は 「…のそばに」を意味します。
"Besides" and "Beside" sound similar, but their meanings are quite different.
■ beside そばに
ex) She stood beside me.
彼女は 私のそばに立った
beside: by the side of (someone or something)
ex) They were walking beside me.
彼らは 私の横側を歩いていた
addition / additional を用いた、便利な表現
□ make an addition to … … に加える、… に増補する
ex) Roses make a colorful addition to your garden.
addition : something or someone more that is included : something or someone that is added
ex) A modular home addition can save you more time and money than a traditional room addition.
□ for each additional hour (追加料金)1時間ごとに
ex) The rental charge is $50 for the first two hours and $10 for each additional hour.
additional: added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available
ex) The rental company charges $65 for the first day and $35 for each additional day.
□ an add-in (デバイスやPC関連の)追加物
ex) Some software programs come with add-ins, but most add-ins are sold separately.
ソフトウエア販売で アドイン(追加物)が付いてくることもあるが、大半は別売りである
add-in: a device or piece of software that can be added to a computer to give extra features or functions
ex) It’s made from 100% cotton and makes a great add-in for an Easter basket.
□ extra 追加の
ex) The hotel allows pets for no extra charge.
そのホテルは ペットの同伴を追加料金なしで許可します
extra: more than is usual or necessary : additional
ex) She got a part-time job to earn some extra money.
□ tack on 追加する、付け加える
ex) The poems were tacked on at the end of the book.
その詩は 本の巻末に掲載されていた
tack on: to add something to something that already exists, especially in a careless way
ex) Can I tack a side of bacon onto my order?
□ supplementary 付け加える、追加の
ex) A supplementary reading list is attached.
追加の読み物リストが 添付されています
supplementary: : added or serving as a supplement
ex) These guidelines aim to define the scope of data presented in the supplemental information.
□ subjoin (説明など)追加する
ex) She subjoined a statement of expenses to her report.
彼女は レポートに、費用明細書を追加で載せた
subjoin: to add at the end, as of something said or written
ex) The author subjoined an epilogue.
継続する□ 許可する□ 素晴らしい□ 報いる□ 読む□ 調整する□