MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週50ずつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。 言えそうで 言えない英語表現、学校の英語教科書には登場しない英会話フレーズが中心です。 コツコツ型の方に、お勧めの英語学習法 - 例文数も 5,000件を超えました!
"驚く・ショッキングな" に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ Now I’ve seen everything. (信じられないような事を見て)驚いた
ex) He performed without the help from stunt men. Now I've seen everything.
□ Now I've heard everything. (信じられないような事を聞いて)驚いた
ex) She wants a divorce for no reason. Now I've heard everything.
□ do a double take 驚く
ex) We all did a double take when we heard of his demotion.
□ bowl over 驚かせる
ex) The parents are bowled over by their children's ideas.
□□ bowl: to roll (a ball) towards something especially in the game of bowling
□□ bowl over: to surprise or impress (someone) very much
□ be blown away by … … に驚く、仰天する
ex) I've always been blown away by how talented the singer is.
□ reel from … …に驚く、ショックを受ける
ex) I'm still reeling from the news that the entrepreneur past away.
□ blink an eye at … … に驚く、目をぱちぱちさせる
ex) Her instant success is nothing to blink an eye at.
□ jaw-dropping 驚くばかりの
ex) The concert features jaw-dropping acrobatic acts.
□ staggering 驚くべき、驚くほどの
ex) I've accumulated a staggering amount of the airline miles.
驚くほどの 航空会社マイルポイントを 貯めている
□□ accumulate: to gather or acquire (something) gradually as time passes
■ consternation 驚き、狼狽
ex) The news caused consternation across the US.
そのニュースは アメリカ中を 驚かせた
consternation: feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
ex) To his consternation, when he got to the airport he found he'd forgotten his passport.
驚いたことに 彼は空港に着いた時に パスポートを忘れたことに気が付いた
■ flabbergast 驚かせる、びっくり仰天させる
ex) We were flabbergasted at the news that he'd won the game.
彼が試合に勝ったというニュースに 私たちは とても驚いた
flabbergast: to shock or surprise (someone) very much
ex) It flabbergasts me to see how many people still support him.
本当に多くの人々が 今もなお彼を支持していることを見て、私はショックを受けた
□ much to everyone's surprise 皆が驚いたことに
Much to our surprise, she refused.
皆が驚いたことに 彼女は拒否した
much to everyone's surprise: used to say that someone is very surprised by something.
ex) Much to my surprise, the investors were especially vivacious this year.
■ earthshattering 驚くような、とても重要な
ex) There haven't been any earthshattering developments lately.
驚くような 発展は最近 見受けられない
earthshattering: extremely important, interesting, or surprising
ex) This is hardly earth-shattering news to anyone who's been following the debate.
■ stupendous 驚くべき、途方もない、膨大な
ex) He is a man of stupendous stamina and energy.
彼は驚くべき スタミナとエネルギーを有している
stupendous: so large or great that it amazes you
ex) You just won a million dollars and are donating it to charity? That's stupendous!
100万ドルを獲得して そのお金を 慈善事業に寄付するなんて 本当に驚いた
□ come as a surprise 驚かされる、意外な結果である
ex) Although he knew his wife wasn't happy, the divorce came as a surprise.
妻が幸せではないと知ってはいたが 離婚には 驚かされた
期待する□ 送る□ 頼る□ 幅広い□ 確信する□ 許可する□