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「Depend / Rely の使い方 - 頼る・依存する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ depend on 頼る、依存する
ex) He was the sort of person you could depend on.
彼は 頼りにしても間違えのない人だ
ex) Children depend on their parents.
□ rely on = depend on 頼る、依存する
ex) I don't need to rely on my parents for money.
金銭面で 両親に依存する 必要はもうない
rely: to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. : to depend on (someone or something)
ex) My sister relied on me for financial support.
■ That depends. 場合による
that depends: used in speech in phrases like "It depends." and "That depends." to say that the answer to a question will be different in different situations
A:“Which team do you think will win?”(どちらのチームが勝つと思う?)
B: “That depends. If all of our players are healthy, I think we'll win.” (場合によるけれど、健康状態が良ければ、僕らのチームが勝つと思う
■ depend on whether … … かどうかによる
ex) It depends on whether you can afford the drop in your cash reserves.
depend on: to be determined or decided by (something)
ex) The stamp's value depends on how rare it is.
切手の価値は どれ位希少性があるかによる
■ draw on 頼る、活用する
ex) His novels draw heavily on his childhood.
彼の小説は 彼の幼少期の経験に多く依存している
draw on: use one's experience, talents, or skills as a resource.
ex) She has a lot of past experience to draw on.
彼女には 活用できる経験がある
■ make a difference depending on whether … or ‥ … か‥ によって話しは違ってくる
ex) I think it makes a difference depending on where you wish to stay.
make a difference: have a significant effect on a person or situation.
ex) The scholarship fund had made a difference in a lot of people's lives.
奨学金は 多くの人の人生を変えてきた
□ depend in large part on … … によるところが大きい
ex) That depends a good deal on how much of a hurry you're in.
□ depend less on … more on ‥ … よりも ‥に依存する
ex) Mothers began to depend less on breast-feeding and more on artificial foods.
□ dependents 扶養家族
ex) Having dependents is one of the best tax benefits available.
扶養家族がいることは 税制優遇を受ける 最良の手段となる