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「Consider - Consideration の意味 - 考慮・考える」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ considering N ... ... N を考えると、... を考慮すると
ex) He must be reeling it in, considering we all have to buy his textbook.
considering: when you think about or consider (something)
ex) He did very well in the campaign, especially considering his lack of experience.
彼の経験の少なさを考慮すると、彼は キャンペーンで 良い仕事をしたと言える
■ Considering S + V … が ‥ SV であることを考えると (接続詞)
ex) Considering she has a child, she wouldn't want to leave town.
considering: conjunction
ex) He did well, considering (that) he had no sources of knowledge.
■ consideration 考慮、熟慮、深く考える事
ex) You should give some serious consideration to your retirement plans.
退職プランに関しては 真剣に考える必要がある
consideraton: careful thought
ex) Her suggestion is still under consideration by the committee.
彼女の提案は 委員会によって まだ検討中である
= The people on the committee are still thinking about and discussing her suggestion.
■ take into consideration 考慮に入れる
ex) When constructing new buildings, architects have to take the risk of earthquakes into consideration.
新しい建物を建築する時、建築家は地震による危険を 考慮しなければならない
take into consideration: think about (something) before one makes a decision or forms an opinion
ex) The second-hand laptop may be fairly cheap to buy, but you have to take into consideration the money you'll spend on repairs.
□ consider … ing (動名詞) … することを考える
ex) I consider finding a new place to shop.
■ consider oneself a …(名詞) 自分が …であると考える
ex) Consider yourself a professional athlete.
consider oneself: to believe or think something about oneself
ex) I consider myself fortunate.
□ consider … ‥(名詞) … が ‥であると考える
ex) I consider him a wise guy.
□ consider … to be ‥(形容詞) … が ‥であると考える
ex) I consider him to be wise.
□ be considered … (名詞) … であると考えられている
ex) Smoking is considered a health hazard.
□ be considered to be … (形容詞) … であると考えられている
ex) Butterflies are often considered to be beautiful.
□ considerable かなりの
ex) The donations gathered amount to a considerable sum.
□ be considerate 気が利く
ex) She is considerate, pleasant and self-sacrifying.
彼女は 気が利き、感じが良く、自己犠牲も いとわない
■ ruminate 熟考する、思いを巡らす
ex) He ruminated over the implications of their decision.
彼は 彼らの決断の意味することについて 深く考えた
ruminate: to think carefully and deeply about something
ex) The question got us ruminating on the real value of wealth.
その質問は 私たちに 富の本当の価値についてを 考えさせた
コーヒーを飲む□ 優先順位□ 調べる□ 解決する□ 学習する□ 期待する□