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「Scrutinize - Read up on - 調べる・調査・綿密に」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

read up on   丹念に調べる
ex) Read up on past consumer reviews before you buy something online.

dig into …   … を丹念に調べる
ex) Let's dig into some of the fashion trends.

dig into: to investigate in an attempt to uncover information about someone or something, often negative information
ex) The bank will dig deeper into your payment history.

scrutinize     注意深く調べる
ex) Before stamping my passport upon entry, the immigration officer scrutinized my visa.
入国スタンプを押す前に 、入国管理官は私の査証を念入りに調べた

scrutinize: to examine (something) carefully especially in a critical way
ex) Her performance was carefully scrutinized by her employer.
彼女の業績は 雇用者により 慎重に調べられた

scrutiny 精密な調査、吟味
ex) Boeing remains under intense scrutiny nearly one year after the jet was involved in a fatal accident.
事故の後 1年が経っても 精密な調査は続いている

scrutiny: the act of carefully examining something especially in a critical way
ex) I'd never faced that kind of scrutiny before at the airport.
空港でこんなに厳しく調査されたことは 今までなかった

work out details    細かな点まで調べる
ex) Police will work out the details of the accident and secure the witnesses.

sift through …  …を詳しく調べる
ex) I'm sifting through the records of my own ancestors to build a family tree.

delve into …       綿密に …を調べる
ex) We'll delve into specific issues raised by our consultants.

□□ ex) We're delving into the latest trends in travel.
□□ 旅行についての最新の傾向を、徹底的に調べている

pick through  探して選ぶ、(物をかき分けて)調べる
ex) He bought some old magazines to pick through particular advertisements.

plumb 綿密に調べる
ex) The scientists plumbed these patiments’records.
科学者たちは それらの患者たちの記録を綿密に調べた

□□ plumb: to examine (something) in a careful and complete way in order to understand it

scan … を調べる、 … に目を通す
ex) I scanned the newspaper while eating cookies.

scour … を調べる、 … に目を通す
ex) I scoured news sources and clip out articles .

skim … をざっと読む、軽く調べる
ex) I'm just skimming the headlines.

skim: to look over or read (something) quickly especially to find the main ideas
ex) While skimming is faster than reading, it also leaves us susceptible to missing information.
流し読みでは 読書よりも早く情報を得られるが、情報の抜けが起きやすい状態に陥ってしまう

look up (辞書やデータベースで) 情報を調べる
ex) The translation process amounted to little more than looking up words in bilingual dictionaries.
翻訳の過程は 単に2か国語の辞書で調べる以上の 作業である

look up: search for and find a piece of information in a book or database
ex) I'm looking up an article in the encyclopedia.

□ findings        (pl.) 調査結果
ex) I will have those findings ready sometime today.
調査結果を 今日中に完成させます

fact-finding   現状調査
ex) He’s learned about conducting effective fact-finding investigations.
彼は 行政調査の実施法について学んだ

fact finding: the use of an impartial expert (or group) selected by the parties, by the agency, or by an individual with the authority to appoint a fact finder, in order to determine what the "facts" are in a dispute
ex) A UN fact-finding mission is on its way to the region.
国連の現状調査一団は その地域に向かっている途中である


楽しむ  ほとんどない  忘れる  コーヒーを飲む 優先順位 解決する  考える 
