英語で On the Way / At Some Point - 途中・最中・ある時点 - TOP

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「On the Way / At Some Point - 途中・最中・ある時点」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

on the way …  … の途中で
ex) I met them on the way back home.

ex) There was a girl we passed on the way up.

ex) I greet everyone I see on the way in.

on the way: in a state of development : in progress
ex) "I'll tell you on the way home.
帰宅の途中で 君に話すことにしよう

in the thick of ... の(本格的時期の)真最中に
ex) In the thick of cold and flu season, my guess is the absence rate will be higher than that.
風邪やインフルエンザのシーズンの最中は、欠勤率が より高くなるであろう

in the thick of: in among in or into the middle of
ex) He was in the thick of preparing the food for the party, so I didn't interrupt.
彼は パーティ用の食べ物の準備の真っ最中なのだから 邪魔しないで

along the way  途中で

□ I got lost somewhere along the way.

□ There will be some obstacles along the way.

obstacle: something that makes it difficult to do something

at some point 途中で、ある時点で
ex) We stop dreaming at some point in life.

ex) At some point along the way, I somehow got the nickname “The Baby”.
ある時点のどこかで 私は "ベイビー" という ニックネームで呼ばれるようになった

at some point: a particular time or a particular stage in the development of something
ex) At some point during your vacation, you'll run into some great restaurants.


Past - 経過・通過  - 連続する  - 楽しむ - ほとんどない  - 現金・釣銭・小銭  - クレジットカード 
