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「Exchange currency - 外貨両替・為替・通貨・手数料」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
■ exchange currency (外貨に)両替する
ex) We'll exchange currency before departing.
私たちは 出発前に両替する
■ exchange .. for ... 換金する
ex) Where can I exchange Japanese money for U.S. money?
どこで 日本円を米ドルに両替できますか?
■ exchange rate 為替レート = currency exchange rate
ex) Do a little research on the exchange rate.
exchange: to give something and receive something in return
ex) Where is the best place to exchange for Japanese Yen?
日本円を両替するのに 最良な場所はどこですか?
■ home currency 自国の通貨
ex) The rate for my home currency is falling.
= The value of Japanese Yen is falling.
home currency: the currency that a financial institution uses to conduct business
ex) It takes about 5 minutes to exchange your home currency to yen.
□ How much is 1,000 JPY in US dollars?
□ worth 価値がある
ex) 10,000 JPY is worth approximately 85 US dollars.
10,000円は 米ドルで約85ドルです
□ fee 手数料
ex) Exchanging at the aiport should be a last resort. You'll get charged huge fees.
空港での両替は最終手段だ。 高い手数料を課される
□ vary 変わる、異なる
ex) Currency exchange rates vary from place to place and day to day.
為替レートは 場所や 日によって異なる
■ currency exchange desks 両替所
ex) Currency exchange desks may be closed late at night.
夜遅い時間帯 両替所は閉まっているかもしれない
desk: engaged in buying-selling, borrowing-lending of foreign currencies with the clients
ex) This airport has multiple international currency exchange locations that can assist you.
この空港には 為替両替所が 複数ある
■ equivalent (数、金額)同等の、相当する
ex) Having the local equivalent of 10,000 JPY in your pocket is usually enough to pay for a cab ride to your destination.
equivalent: having the same value, use, meaning, etc.
ex) 1 US dollar is equivalent to 150 Japanese yen.
1米国ドルは 150円に相当する