英語で Travel Insurance - 旅行保険・保険加入 - TOP

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「Travel Insurance - 旅行保険・保険加入」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

buy travel insurance 旅行保険に入る
ex) You can buy travel insurance at the airport.

insurance: a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium
ex) This travel insurance provides limited travel protection with cost effective coverage for trip cancellation and interruption.
この旅行保険は 旅行のキャンセルや中断の際、限度額のある保証を提供する

policy 保険契約(証書)
ex) Some travel policies only cover certain kinds of trip cancellations.

policy: a writing whereby a contract of insurance is made
ex) Read those travel insurance policies carefully.
旅行保険の証書を 注意深く読んでください

carry an insurance policy 保険に加入する
ex) Carry your travel insurance policy with you before you go abroad.

carry: to have or possess something like insurance
ex) Do you carry a travel medical insurance while travelling?
旅行の間の 医療保険に加入しましたか?

policyholder   保険加入者  
□ The cost is based on the length of trip, destination, and age of the policyholder.

premium    保険の掛け金
International travel usually carries higher insurance premiums.

incident   出来事
□ The additional travel insurance covers unforeseen incidents like bad weather.
追加の旅行保険は、 悪天候 >> など、 予期せぬ >> アクシデント >> も補償する

add-ons 付け加える物
□ The insurance provides an affordable basic plan and the various add-ons.

coverage   保険の適用
□ Just in case, I added baggage insurance coverage to my travel insurance package.
万が一のため、 荷物 >> も保険を掛けた

claim on …     … に損害の賠償を求める
Claim on your travel insurance if you baggage is lost.
荷物 >> が紛失した際は、 旅行 >> 保険で賠償してもらう

file a claim 支払いの補償を求める
□ Have you ever filed a travel insurance claim?
旅行保険の 支払い >> 補償を受けたことがありますか?

reimburse (保険金など)賠償する
I was reimbursed for all my travel expenses including theme park passes.

□ personal effects protection 携行品保険
ex) What does this travel insurance cover for baggage and personal effects?
personal effects: a person's personal property, usually items of particular significance that are carried or worn
ex) Most travel policies will cover you for accidental loss or damage to personal effects.


成田空港へ向かう  搭乗手続き 預け荷物    空港の施設  飛行機内で 機内座席  
