英語で 同僚・仲間 - TOP

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「Coworker - Colleague - 同僚・仲間・社員」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ coworker   同僚
ex) Tell your coworkers when you plan to go to another building.
別棟に行く時は 同僚たちに知らせて
cowrker: a person with whom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level within an organization
ex) These aren’t silver bullets that will magically transform your problem coworker into your best friend.

 colleague   同僚
ex) Colleagues are going to occasionally come into conflict over different viewpoints.

colleague: a person who works with you : a fellow worker
ex) She thanked her colleagues in the federation for their work this year.
彼女は 連盟の同僚たちの本年度の仕事に対し 感謝の意を表わした

 cohort 仲間、友人.
ex) The police arrested the gang's leader and his cohorts.

cohort: a friend or companion
ex) She has a cohort of admirers.
彼女には 賞賛できる友人が一人いる

 workplace peer 同僚
ex) Peer pressure at a company can do wonders for productivity.
同僚からの圧力が、仕事の生産性上昇 につながることもある

peer: a person who belongs to the same age group or social group as someone else
ex) How much should new hires focus on building workplace peer relationships?
新入社員は 同僚との関係構築に どの位 集中したらよいのですか?

get along with …    … とうまくやる、仲良くやる
ex) Sometimes it can be difficult to get along with your co-workers.

socialize with …   (社交場)つきあう  
ex) I don't mind not socializing after work with any of my co-workers.

rapport 気の合う、友好的な関係
ex) The event will help increase rapport with co-workers.
そのイベントは、同僚との 関係を深めるのに役立つ
rapport: a friendly relationship

go for a drink 飲みに出かける
ex) I'm looking for somewhere to go for a drink after work with a colleague.
go for a drink: someone is going to go get a drink or drinks of beer or alcohol; to a bar or pub
ex) Most of my coworkers go out to the local bar multiple times a week on work nights, and some have even come to work very hungover

 pop out   (短い時間)出かける
ex) I popped out with my colleagues for a quick drink after work.
同僚と仕事の後 、軽く飲み に出かけた

pop out: exit briefly
ex) Do you like popping out with coworkers after work?
仕事の後 同僚と 出かけるのは 好きですか?


上司 同僚 職場での交流 酒を飲む 昇格 旅行代理店  
