英語で 上司・幹部・管理職 - TOP

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「Boss - Manegement - 上司・幹部・管理職」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

boss 上司、監督者
ex) I asked my boss for a promotion.

boss: a person who is in charge of a worker, group, or organization
ex) It's often the boss's responsibility to get her staff to rise to the occasion.
部下に 難局を乗り越えさせるのが上司の役割である

rise to the occasion (危機に対して)上手に対処する、底力を発揮する
ex) I will offer guidance on how bosses can rise to the occasion.
どうやって 上司たちが問題に対処しているか 助言を与えましょう

rise to the occasion: perform very well in response to a special situation or event
ex) Would reluctant bosses rise to the occasion and play the dominant role?
行動を嫌がる上司たちは 問題に対処し、支配的な役割を果たすであろうか?

one's superior    上司
ex) My superior has bore the expenses for the transportation.
上司が、交通費 を払ってくれた

superior: high or higher in rank
ex) Report to your superior officer.

It is as … to ‥ as it is to --- ‥することは、---することと同様に…である
ex) It is as important to manage your relationship with your superior as it is to manage staff.
上司との 関係を管理することは、スタッフを管理することと同様に重要だ

as ... as: similarity or equality of
ex) It is as crucial to understand what your boss says as it is to display your abilities at workplace.

immediate 直属の
ex) Several weeks ago, my immediate boss was let go.

数週間前、直属の上司が 解雇された

immediate: having no other person or thing in between
ex) Every manager can direct his immediate subordinate and take directions from his immediate boss.
全てのマネージャーが 直属の部下に指令を出し、直属の上司の命令を受け入れる

top-down (組織)トップダウンの
ex) Strategic decisions are made from the top down.

top-down: controlled, directed, or instituted from the top level
ex) Often referred to as command-and-control, top-down management is often the default.
指揮統制と呼ばれる トップダウンのマネジメントは、組織の初期設定であると 言われる

authoritative   権限のある
ex) Our boss has authoritative power over us.

authoritative: able to be trusted as being accurate or true
ex) His voice was calm and authoritative.
彼の声は 穏やかで 威厳があった

apple polishing お世辞を言うこと
ex) He has made a career out of apple polishing for his superiors.
彼は、上司にお世辞を使いながら 出世してきた

managerial position 管理職、経営幹部
ex) Up to now, I've held non-managerial positions.

the management   経営管理者、管理
ex) The management terminated 3 workers and suspended 2.

top brass   上層部、お偉方
ex) Even the company's top brass didn't know how to handle the workplace conflict.
会社の上層部の人たちでさえ、職場の闘争にどう対処すべきか 分からなかった

□ a board member    取締会のメンバー、役員
ex) Directors can be 2 or 3 levels below the board members.
ディレクターの地位は 取締役員より 2~3ランク低い

high-ranking (組織内で)地位の高い、高い地位にいる
ex) He's a high-ranking officer in the medical corps.
彼は 医薬品会社で高い地位にいる

high-ranking: having a senior or important position in a particular hierarchy
ex) He's aiming at a high-ranking post in the organization.


上司  部下  同僚 残業する 職場交流  酒を飲む

