英語で 社交性・交流・飲み会 - TOP

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「Socialize - 社交性・交流・飲み会」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ workplace socialization 職場での社交
ex) Even though conversations in the workplace might be difficult for some employees, socialization is crucial.
ある従業員たちにとって、職場での会話に苦手意識はあるにせよ、社内での交流は 重要である
socialization: the process whereby an individual learns to adjust to a group (or society) and behave in a manner approved by the group
ex) Socialization impacts relations between human in day to day businesses in several ways.

socializing  交流、付き合い 
  ex) I'm not big on socializing with co-workers.
同僚との交流・付き合い は好きではない
socializing: the action or practice of participating in social activities or mixing socially with others
ex) Does socializing in the workplace improve productivity?
職場の交流は 生産性を改善するのか?

networking 人脈作り、人的ネットワーク形成
ex) Socializing with your fellow employees can help boost that network.

networking: the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts
ex) Networking is essential in the modern working world.
人脈作りは現代のビジネス世界で とても重要である

drinking party 飲み会
ex) At the end of the year, drinking party takes place quite often and is generally held among groups of co-workers.
年の瀬に 同僚との飲み会が頻繁に行われる

after work party 飲み会
ex) After work parties are an important way to enhance relationships in the workplace.
飲み会は職場の人間関係を高めるために 重要な方法です

spend time socially 交流に時間を費やす
ex) Do you spend time socially with your co-workers?

jeopardize    危険にさらす
ex) Socializing with co-workers might jeopardize my family life.
同僚との交流・付き合い は、家族との生活を危険にさらすかもしれない

jeopardize: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure
ex) His decision could jeopardize her career.
彼の決断は 彼の職歴を危険にさらすかも知れない

talk shop (仕事以外の場所で)仕事の話しをする
ex) They want to talk shop and I'm really against that.

grow out of …   (以前の習慣から)卒業する
ex) I have grown out of Happy Hours.
ハッピーアワーの飲み会 は卒業した

at a reasonable rate 適切な頻度で
ex) I go to lunch with co-workers at a reasonable rate.

hang out with …  … と出かける、つるむ
ex) Outside of work, I don't hang out with co-workers.

function 会合、催し物
ex) It's fine to attend work related functions.

get along with …     … と仲良くやっていく
ex) I do a little, but not often, even though we get along great in the office.

they are all my age 皆同じ位の年令だ
ex) Many of my co-workers are all my age and I have a lot in common with them.

stop off for a drink お酒のために立ち寄る
ex) We stop off for a drink together on the way home after work.

fictitious reason 作り話の理由
ex) I've learned to come up with a fictitious reason why I can't attend.


景気  関係  上司  部下  同僚 酒を飲む  
