英語で 契約・契約書 - TOP

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「Contract / Agreement - 契約・契約書」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

Q. "Contract" と "Agreement" には どちらも "契約書" の意味がありますが、どうやって使い分けますか?

A. "Contract" の方が より フォーマルな響きを持ちます。 また、"Contract" には "書面" の他 "口頭での契約" も含まれます。

agreement 契約書
ex) Agreements typically include what services will be provided, how much services will cost, and who will pay and when.
契約書には通常 提供されるサービスや、その対価、支払期日が記載されている

agreement: a negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action
ex) The agreement should use the full legal name of the business or individual.
契約書には 法的に有効な 法人、または個人の名前が明記されなければならない

contract 契約書
ex) The terms "Agreement" and "Contract" mean the same thing.
"Agreement" と "Contract" は同じ意味である

contract: a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law
ex) Both oral and written contracts can be legally binding.
口頭の契約、書面の契約は 共に 法的な拘束力がある

sign up 契約を結ぶ
ex) I signed up a 1-year contract for lease of a copier.

sign up: commit oneself to a period of employment, education, or in the armed forces
ex) Is a contract valid if only one party signs it?

signatory 調印者、署名者
ex) You could be a signatory for a employment contract.
雇用契約書の調印で 署名者になる

signatory: someone who signs a document and is subject to it
ex) There could be several signatories for a specific contract.
1枚の契約書に 複数の署名者が必要になる場合もある

work out agreement with …  …と契約を結ぶ
ex) He asked for more time to work out an agreement.
彼は 契約を結ぶまで、もう少し時間をくれないかと 頼んだ

work out: plan or devise something in detail
ex) We've worked out interim agreements with them.
私たちは 彼らと 仮契約を結んだ

interim   仮の、臨時の、n 仮協定
ex) He would take over as interim coach.
彼は 仮のコーチとして 引き継いだ

interim: temporary and intended to be used or accepted until something permanent exists
ex) An interim contract is a temporary agreement between an employer and a contractor.
仮の契約書は 雇用主と請負業者の間の 一時的な契約書のことである

cut a deal with … …と契約を結ぶ
ex) The grade school cut deals with online education companies.

cut a deal: make an agreement
ex) He had gone to the board of directors with his new robot design and cut a deal.
彼は 新しいロボットのデザイン企画を 役員会に持ち込み 契約を締結した

sew up      (契約など)うまく取りまとめる
ex) The team is looking to sew up its broadcast contracts with a TV station.
そのバレーボール・チームは、 テレビ局と 放映に関する契約締結を望んでいる

sew up: to make certain of
ex) I was finally able to sew the contract up with the other firm.
遂に私は 他の会社と契約をうまく取りまとめる までに至った

nail down  (契約を)結ぶ、決定的にする
ex) We're trying to nail down the terms of a new contract with them.

contractual clause (契約などの)条項
ex) You can add sections and clauses to a contract terms.
契約書に 項目や 条項を追加することができる

clause: : a separate part of a legal document
ex) We could leave off the contractual clause.

leave off 外す
ex) I didn't mean to leave you off that email chain.

leave off: to not include something or someone on a list
ex) He left three people off the list by mistake.
彼は誤って 3名をリストから 外してしまった

stipulation (契約などの)条項
ex) They donated their collection of prints with the stipulation that they never be publicly exhibited.
彼らは 公共の展示はしないという条項を含むことで、印刷物のコレクションを 寄与した

stipulation: a condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement
ex) We want to put some stipulations in the contract that allow us wiggle room.

wiggle room(思考、弁解など)余地、融通
ex) If you sign second, then you'll have more wiggle room.
もし 契約書の署名を次に回せば、時間的余裕が生まれるであるだろう

wiggle room: the ability to make small changes in a plan, schedule, etc., if they are needed.
ex) I want wiggle room in my trip schedule.
旅行のスケジュールに 時間的余地が欲しい

proviso       (契約など)条件、ただし書き
ex) He accepted the job with one proviso: he would work alone.
彼は 一人で働くという条件をつけて 契約に了承した

proviso: a condition that must be accepted in order for someone to agree to do something
ex) He agreed to their visit with the proviso that they should stay no longer than one week.
彼らの滞在が1週間以内であるという 但し書きを持って、彼は彼らの滞在に同意した

□ the contract states 契約書に書いてある
ex) Most of staff work more hours than their contracts state.

be stipulated in the contract    契約書の中で規定されている
ex) The payment policy is stipulated in the contract.

revise the contract 契約書を改訂する
ex) We can't make revisions to the signed contract.

break a contract 契約に違反する
ex) We broke a contract with the insurance company and we are liable to pay them penalties.

breach of contract    契約違反
ex) The breach of contract in business is not to be treated as violation of law.

abrogate the contract    契約を破棄する
ex) The customer has the right to abrogate the contract within 3 days of receipt of the goods.
受取り後3日以内であれば、消費者は契約を 破棄することができる

annul the contract 契約を破棄する
ex) I annulled the original invoice and issued a new one.
元の請求書を 破棄し、新しいものを発行した


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