英語で 始める・開始・着手 - TOP

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「Begin / Launch - 始める・開始・着手」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

kick off 始める
ex) We are kicking off an advertising campaign to encourage new coffee experience.
新しい コーヒー体験を推奨する、広告キャンペーンを始めます

kick off: to start out, begin
ex) The movie kicks off with a bank robbery.
その映画は 銀行強盗の場面から始まる

kickoff (n.) 開始
ex) We'll put off our campaign kickoff for weeks.
キャンペーンの開始を 数週間延期するでしょう

kickoff: the start of something, commencement
ex) What needs to be covered at the kickoff meeting?
最初の会議では どんな議題を含むべきでしょうか?

begin 始める、始まる、着手する
ex) I got the job and I begin work on Monday.

begin: to do the first part of an action : to start doing something
ex) They will begin construction on the new school soon.

launch (労力を要することを)始める、開始、着手
ex) She's trying to launch a new career as a consultant.
彼女はコンサルタントとして 新しい職を開始した

launch: to begin (something that requires much effort)
ex) The enemy launched an attack at sunrise.
敵は日の出とともに 襲撃を始めた

start off by … … から始める
ex) Let me start off by thanking you all for coming.

start off with …    … から始める
ex) We'll start off with a half-day bus tour of the city.

start off: to begin by doing something, or to make something begin by doing something
ex) She started off the meeting with the monthly sales report.
彼女は会議を 月間セールスの報告から始めた

get off to a good start   よいスタートをきる
ex) I'm getting off to a good start on my new job.

get off to a good start: to begin an activity successfully
ex) We got off to a good start with a goal in the fifth minute of the game.

start out (起業などで仕事を)始める、着手する
ex) Originally this business started out as a small one-person retail shop.

start out: to begin to do something in business or a job, or to begin your working life in a particular way
ex) I learned that lesson three years after starting out in the venture-capital business.

start up 始まる
ex) When did this problem start up? 

start up: to begin a new company, organization, or activity
ex) We ought to start up a drama group.

start-up: 開始、始動、起業
ex) We analyzed 100 startups tackling neurodegenerative diseases.
私たちは 起業したばかりの100社が、神経変性の医療開発に取り組んでいると分析している

start-up: a company in the first stages of operations
ex) Many start-ups claims they create unique and irreplaceable products or services.

start from scratch    ゼロから始める
ex) It'll be tough starting from scratch with no support.
援助なしで、ゼロから始めるのは たいへん であろう

from scratch: from a point at which nothing has been done yet
ex) I knew we'd have a problem from scratch.
私は 初めから 私たちが問題を抱えるであろうことを知っていた

set about …     … をし始める、取りかかる
ex) I'll set about adding information to the website.
ホームページへの 情報追加に取りかかる

set about: start doing something with vigor or determination.
ex) It would be far better to admit the problem openly and set about tackling it.
問題を公開し、解決に向けてアクションを取り始めた方が ずっと良い

set in (よくないことが)始まる 
ex) As spring draws to a close and summer sets in, humidity rise even more.

set in: (of something unpleasant or unwelcome) begin and seem likely to continue.
ex) Less hardy plants should be brought inside before cold weather sets in.
強くない植物は 冬が始まる前に、屋内に持ち運ぶべきである>/p>

take up …   (趣味、習い事を)始める
ex) I want to take up swimming exercises at the fitness club.

take up: to start doing a particular job or activity
ex) He's taken up the position of supervisor.

initiate (事業、計画などを)始める、開始する
ex) We'll initiate a new project shortly.
私たちは 新しいプロジェクトを まもなく開始するでしょう

initiate: to start or begin (something)
ex) Doctors have initiated a series of tests to determine the cause of the problem.
医師たちは 問題の原因を見極めるために 一連の検査を開始した

commence 開始する
ex) Their contract commences in January.

commence: to begin
ex) The festivities will commence with a parade.
その祭典は パレードから始まる

get the ball rolling (仕事など)始める、開始する
ex) This is a good time for companies to get the ball rolling on their campaigns.

get the ball rolling: to begin an activity or process
ex) To get the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute a million dollars to the fund. まず最初に 政府は資金による貢献を求められた

get the show on the road (仕事、計画など)始める、開始する
ex) It's your show and it's time to get the show on the road.

get the show on the road: start an undertaking; begin work
ex) After months of training, the astronauts were eager to get the show on the road.
数か月に及ぶトレーニングの後、宇宙飛行士は 業務の開始を熱望していた

originate 始まる、発祥する
ex) There is some dispute as to where noodles originated.

originate : to begin to exist : to be produced or created
ex) No one knows when the idea first originated.

fledgling   始まったばかりの、駆け出しの
ex) They tend to invest in fledgling companies.

fledgling: describe a person, organization, or system that is new or without experience
ex) There is a time for any fledgling artist where one's taste exceeds one's abilities.
駆け出しのアーティストには、能力よりも審美眼が 上回る時期がある


成功する  失敗する 被害を被る   長期的  終了する  景気 
