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「Long run - 長期的・長引く 」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ long-term employment system 終身雇用
ex) Japan's long-term employment system appears to have survived.
■ long-standing 長期に渡る、長く続く
ex) We won't forget everything about his long-standing devotion to our team.
long-standing: having existed or continued for a long time
ex) They are on the brink of resolving their long-standing dispute over money.
彼らは 長期に渡る 金銭に関する紛争の解決まで あと一歩の所にいる
■ long-range 長期に渡る、長期的の
ex) Let me see a more detailed long-range weather forecast.
long-range: relating to a period of time that extends far into the future
ex) Revenue projections are based on long-range forecasts.
歳入計画は 長期的な予測に基づいている
* long-range は その距離(distance) の中にあるものを含む。 long-term は その 具体的な期間 = 時間 (time) の長さを示します。
Long range" usually refers to distance, and "long term" refers to time.
■ in the long run 長期的に見て
ex) Often our first impressions are proved wrong in the long run.
in the long run: at a time that is far away in the future
ex) She will succeed in the long run.
□ long-drawn-out 長々と続く
ex) You don't have to break your back on a long drawn-out project.
□ long-playing 長く続く
ex) The subject is based on a long-playing opera.
□ prolong 長引かせる
ex) Some painkillers prolong pain.
いくつかの 痛み止め薬 は痛みを長引かせる
□ long-suffering 辛抱強い、長く苦しんでいる
ex) He's a hardworking long-suffering actor.
□ take forever 時間が長くかかる
ex) Does the light take forever to turn green?
いつになったら 信号は青に変わるのか?
□ have been around 長い間存在する
ex) Social media has been around for many years.
□ for long periods of time 長い間
ex) Viewing the monitor for long periods of time may cause eye fatigue.
□ a long-running … 長期にわたる …
ex) It's a long continually-running film series.
□ long-termism 長期的視点
ex) That brand is living by long- termism.